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I have only gone into this match up once so far and it was disgusting, he can just zone you away because of his e and it seems like we lose trades with him until we become the king of the court around level 9. To be fair though the guy I fought was a D2 smurf so yeah maybe I am overreacting. If anyone has tips for the urgot into sett matchup please leave a comment.
This is a really easy match up for us although level 1-6 he can beat you. rush bramble and then titanic and you start to win if even. I would try and get an early gank just to get that early lead. You can also cancel his ult if you time it correctly with your e. I did today and didn't even know that was possible. Also I would try and get him to ult you before you ult him so if he does hit you with his ult our timer to recast isn't wasted.
Dr. Mundo
Personally from my experience I don't see undo as a threat for us, rush bramble, maybe get steel caps, if you are even and not losing with bramble then go titanic and you should start to win once you get that and if you really need to then go cleaver next and if you and purple man are even you win pretty hard. Just make sure you proc his passive with e before ulting or he can ignore your ult. yeah early he might be a threat, but farm till bramble and titanic then u should have kill potential. (I haven't faced mundo too much so Ill come back to this to update later if I have to).
Do not let garen get a lead on you early. You win this matchup once you get black cleaver and titanic. He still will do damage late game so be careful, also just found out his spin does more damage if its just damaging one thing so play in minions.
I think this is another skill matchup like garen, he is fine early toi face up until 3. After 3 till about 9 he wins I think unless u outplay. Once it gets a bit later in the game tho if we are even we win hard on this silly goose. Also he will pretty much always in the fight if he ults and we are even with him so just be careful of his ult and we win.
For me shen has not been a problem, like I would have had to try and throw to lose this match up, but maybe bad shens. I'll update if I have trouble in the future.
This match up seems easy enough all we have to do is side step the stun thing and then just respect her max passive stacks. Also watchout for ult, she does big pp damage if she gets you with it.
EDIT: After playing some more irelias they are more of a threat than I thought, we need a gank early when we have advantage to get ahead. If you can secure a lead though this lane is very easy.
EDIT AGAIN: After playing another aids match against this stupid champion I have realised if the player isnt a vegetable they will be able to roll us after level 1-2 and if we dont get that pressure on at lvl 1 the lane will be lost without help from the jg. The Irelia will freeze you and your jg will probably abandon you to starve and there will be nothing you can do. So do your best to get a kill lvl 1 and beg your jg to come help you till you have a decent lead. Good luck you will need it.
From the one match I've faced with Camille so far this is really aids, not sure how to win this same as the sett matchup if anyone has any tips please let me know. I now have been banning camille over sett.
Annoying match up, her parry thing blocks our e and her ult is really annoying when trying to get her low for our ult. I recommend grievous early and steel caps and pray you get a pick or two pre-6. I also would suggest pleading with your jg to give a gank earlier to get a lead.
skill matchup for sure. If you can dodge his q stuff you can win easy. I just went my normal build path and it was a pretty even lane. you can escape his w with our e and also you can use e to negate some of the q damage.
Don't let this monke breathe play agro early levels, he does get a nice power spike at 6, but if you can play around that he's done for, if we stay even and even slightly ahead on cs we can delete him late game even tho he is a little chunky.
I see this being a skill matchup with us having a small advantage lvl 1-3 still need to play this matchup a bit more, I rolled the olaf I played against but I got some help from jg early and got a lead. I recommend rushing bramble into steel caps and you will be really tanky against him. I will be updating this as I play against more olafs.
I can see this matchup being aids if she gets a lead early, watchout for walls she will smack you into them and the most annoying thing is she can cancel our e with her circle crap. So yeah just try and ask jg for a gank early to get a lead.
don't miss e, if you can do that this lane should be easy. Also if you time it correctly this can basically cancel out his stun.
If you can win early/go even late game will be a breeze because you outscale after mid game. I build bramble and steel caps first so I can relax a little in lane then follow up with titanic.
you can ult off of his ult giving your team a nice fear for team fight.
same reason with malz , its a nice ult set up for us.
again same reason as above, just not as strong because it is just a stun with her ult, not as strong as ww and malz ults.
great cc giving us more ult set ups, okay basically the point is if they have good cc they are good with urgot for the ult set up. So not sure if I need to add more champions here, just keep in mind champs with hard cc work well for us.
you can ult off of his ult giving your team a nice fear for team fight.
same reason with malz , its a nice ult set up for us.
again same reason as above, just not as strong because it is just a stun with her ult, not as strong as ww and malz ults.
great cc giving us more ult set ups, okay basically the point is if they have good cc they are good with urgot for the ult set up. So not sure if I need to add more champions here, just keep in mind champs with hard cc work well for us.
Hi guys so yea I am still learning urgot and only in gold Elo and by no means a good person to learn from on how to play urgot, I'm actually using this guide to keep track of the matchups and what is working for me when I play him, I thought I would do this to maybe help someone else learning something along with me. I will be updating this guide as I play more and more and refining it for myself, but many people might want to play urgot differently. This is just everything that I have learned. Well hopefully that helps you guys understand this isn't so much of a guide and more of a learning process for me with urgot and hopefully you yes you learn something too.
Q Ability
Okay here I will talk about the q and how I use it, I would love advice on this though as I am still learning myself.
So for the q I use it to slow to try and get an easy e or after we hit our e so we get some extra damage and a slow as well. It can also be a good way to just get chip damage early levels because we should probably put a second point into it at level 4.
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