Amumu can be a little annoying for Lillia because of his ability to lock you down with his Ult and Q. However, you do have better ganks and farm. Keep your Q stacks up and he should never be able to land a Q unless he ults you first. Definitely build merc treads earlier than later in this match up.
Fiddle can lock you down with his kit and it is difficult to 1v1 him until you get your Ult, as you have no way to cancel his W. Use your speed to run outside of his drain range, and try to punish his relatively weak early game. Buy a blue orb so you can reveal him when you're forced to fight.
If the Hecarim takes phase rush its very difficult to kite him, he also has the damage to one shot you, and can dodge your ultimate with his ult. Once you hit runic echoes, you can one shot him with your combo if he isn't already too far ahead.
Kha'zix can use his kit to slow you, close the gap and one shot you. It's important to play "like there is a kha'zix" in the game and be wary of factchecking into him. I used to think this match up was impossible, but once you get runic echoes you can actually 1 shot kha'zix because he usually builds very squishy. Be aware that he can use his E to position himself behind a wall if you ult him. Invading early game can go well if you are confident in your kiting ability.
Nunu & Willump
This match up can be tricky. Phase rush Nunu can stick on top of you and lock you down with his kit. After runic echoes though, you can apply a decent amount of pressure to the Nunu if you land an outer edge Q, and it can be difficult for him to escape you.
I don't have that much experience with this match up, but Lillia is weak to champions that can one shot her and lock her down. Vi does both of these things. Invading early game is probably a good bet. Beware she can dodge your ult with hers.
I don't get to play it too much in high elo. Rammus can gap close with his Q and lock you down with taunt. If you take chilling smite and keep your Q stacks up, you can probably keep the distance between you. Rylais is probably a pretty good purchase in this match up.
Lee Sin
You farm faster than lee sin and outscale him. beware early invades and getting kicked into his q into a one shot. Redsmite might be the best option in this match up.
Nocturne can spellshield your abilities messing up your q stacks, and one shots you later in the game with his ult. Take double armor runes and play very safe.
Early merc treads make this match up fairly easy. You should be fast enough to kite sej and you will win skirmishes.
It is near impossible for nidalee to land a spear on you with your Q stacks, and you can 1 shot her with your ult later on in the game. Fairly easy match up (just don't get hit by spears).
Use your movespeed to avoid getting caught by Zac e's. Use your early game strength to invade the Zac if you have the lane priority for it. He is weak until level 6.
Graves historically struggles with AP jungle match ups. This one is a little tricky as you much be in his auto range in order to Q, but with the right micro you can dodge the back end of his Q and pop him. If you have a heavy AP team he can stack MR and make this match up pretty difficult.
I've found this match up fairly easy. Volibear can't get in range to stun you without his flash, and you should be able to dodge his e/R abilities. Don't use your W on him until his Q is down.
Jarvan IV
This match up is really easy until Jarvan hits 6. Once he has his ult he can trap you and all of the movespeed in the world can't save you. Be VERY aware of this ability in the mid-late game.
You're too fast for udyr to ever touch you. This match up is pretty free, just never use your W. Rylais can be funny to make the udyr struggle even more.
I haven't played this match up too much, but i imagine it is a bit difficult as warwick has a few ways to lock you down, and your q range is about his q range. You will be a lot more useful late game though, so I'll give it a 50/50.
Ekko can cancel your ult with his, and he has a lot of ways of sticking on you. Build mercs and try to use your movespeed to prevent him from being able to land his 3 stack passive. don't ult him unless he has no R.
I haven't played this match up too much. You can potentially tell which shaco is the real one with your passive stack. Try to watch out for his boxes as thats how he can lock you down.
Another match up I haven't played too many times. She can lock you down with cocoon so avoid facechecking bushes, your movespeed will be helpful for dodging this. Definitely a merc tread match up.
Take phaserush in the match up and kite Olaf. There isn't really much he can do. Post 6 he is kind of annoying, as he can cleanse your ult with his own. beware using W in this match up.
this match up I've found to be pretty annoying. No matter how fast you are, it turns out its pretty difficult to dodge shyvana fireballs in dragonform. Keep dragon warded and try to keep her from sneaking them. Consider building MR in this match up.
Blue kayn is scary, red not so much. Consider red smite to avoid one shots, you win fights pre 6 so look for these if you can. Might want to go deadmans 2nd in this match up. Remember he can dodge your ult with his own, and he can go through walls to safety as well. relatively hard match up in my experience.
Master Yi
Lillia wins this pretty hard pre 6 but afterwards yi is a problem. Try to bully him early game as if it gates to late youre going to be in trouble. Sorc shoes might be the way to go in this match up.
Lillia can bully evelynn early game, but mid to late she is an enormous threat. you'll want to build mercs+banshees/some other mr item for this one. She can dodge your ult with hers.
Don't let skarner get on top of your or land an E. This won't stop him from flash ulting you though so beware if that is up. I usually tend to build tankier in this match up so that even if I do get ulted I can survive.
This is an extremely difficult match up for Lillia to win. Rek'sai has A LOT of burst damage which can 100-0 you very fast. Until we can afford to buy zhonya's, it will be difficult to survive an unexpected run in with this void demon in the jungle.
It should be stated, though, that if we get ahead rek'sai will be completely useless as she won't have the damage needed to kill you, and then you can just run her down.
an annoying interaction in this match up is that Rek'sai can ult as she's about to fall asleep from your ult, and dodge it entirely. This removes a lot of our champions strengths so its something that you're going to want to consider.
Xin Zhao
With HoB xin presents a huge threat to lillia. His E+Q can gap close, lock you down, and burst you. I've only played this match up once and i was fortunate to get ahead early. Might be a deadmans angle.
DANGER. This champ can one shot you, and cleanse your ult, and gap close with bushes, and his ult. Avoid at all costs.
I don't have too much data on the match up between bel'veth and Lillia. Theoretically, though, I could see this match up being Lillia favored. You can use your movement speed to ensure that you don't get hit by bel'veth's W, and you can run out of range of her E. This should be a minor match up, I would imagine.
Another thing that we have going for us, in this match up, is that bel'veth is unlikely to invade us level 3 as typically she likes to full clear. This lets us full clear easily and feel good about that.
Lillia thrives on being able to run around and do as she pleases in a fight, so any champion that can forcibly misposition her is going to be very annoying. If you get hit by any type of hooking champion, you are in for some pain. You have been warned.
Who doesn't love yuumi? She makes you really fast. Lillia likes going fast.
If you land any Lillia ability and ult, Lux can follow up from long range and 1 shot just about any squishy targets.
If you land any Lillia ability and ult, Ziggs can follow up from long range and 1 shot just about any squishy targets.
Who doesn't love yuumi? She makes you really fast. Lillia likes going fast.
If you land any Lillia ability and ult, Lux can follow up from long range and 1 shot just about any squishy targets.
If you land any Lillia ability and ult, Ziggs can follow up from long range and 1 shot just about any squishy targets.
Everything you need to know to get started playing Lillia in one place
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My favorite way to learn a new champion is to practice their clear in the practice tool for 30-60 minutes, so that is what I would recommend you do.
Standard Clear
Lillia's standard clear is pretty much always going to be Red Buff > Krugs> Raptors> Wolves>Blue Buff> Scuttle. If you get a good leash its possible to fit Gromp into the rotation and get to scuttle around 3:18, but that is a bit advanced.
Clear Example shown here by Jungle Clear God Phylaris:
Team Fighting with Lillia is pretty simple. You want to spam your E Swirlseed on CD when people start grouping up for the poke and to look for picks with your Ult Lilting Lullaby.
When a fight eventually breaks out, you want to try to be poking with your Q Blooming Blows on CD to keep your stacks up. Try to keep track of the enemy CDs and when you see the angle, go for the Flash Q into R Lilting Lullaby. This is easier to do safely if you purchased a Zhonya's Hourglass.
Your W Watch Out! Eep! slows you down a bit late game and requires you to be right on top of someone. use this ability cautiously. I can't tell you how many times I've died because I used a W aggressively when it wasn't necessary.
Below is a great example of how to win a team fight using the Flash R combo:
Tips and Tricks
Here I'm going to put a lot of information that I've picked up after hundreds of Lillia games that I think you will find useful.
Farming Playstyle
I've found a lot of success playing Lillia similar to a Karthus early game. Essentially just hard farming and looking for ganks when available. You scale fairly well and your clear is really good. Top tier once you get Liandry's Torment. I usually have an average of 7/min CS.
Gank With Camps
Lillia wants to gank with her Q Blooming Blows fully stacked. This means that I usually only gank lanes if there are camps or a scuttle near them. For example, after doing a standard full clear rotation I might base and head to my Krugs. If the opposing lane is pushed into my turret on that side of the map, I'll look to gank after I stack my q.
Your Q is everything on Lillia. It is incredibly important that you keep your stacks up while skirmishing/clearing/ganking. Sometimes it is better to be patient with your Q and not necessarily cast it on CD. If you miss, it can leave you dead in the water, or keep you from being able to follow up and finish a kill. A master Lillia player never drops her stacks. Remember you can also keep your stacks up by Q'ing minions!
Patience in the Key
Your E Swirlseed is a very easy ability to dodge. A mistake I frequently made early on was leading some of my ganks with E when it wasn't necessary (I had Q Blooming Blows move speed to gap close and didn't need the slow.) Sometimes its better to wait until you are closer to the target and have slowed them with Chilling Smite before you go for the E.
Hold the R
- Your passive Dream-Laden Bough lasts for 3 seconds. Often times its better to not cast your R Lilting Lullaby the moment your ability lands. This gives your other abilities time for their CDs to reset, and can give your team mates a chance to follow up (I usually spam ping "on-the-way" when I am about to cast my ultimate)
Your W is Really Hard to Land
Your W Watch Out! Eep! is a very difficult ability to land onto moving targets. This is why we max this ability last. Do not just cast your W because its off CD, save it for when the target is slowed or CC'd, or as an escape tool (cast as you are about to get cc'd to reposition yourself).
Beware Insomniac's
Some champions just won't fall asleep no matter how hard you try. Lillia's ult Lilting Lullaby is one of her key defensive tools, and there are many champions in the game that have ways of avoiding falling asleep. Beware these champions. To name a few... Vladimir (pool), Rek'Sai (ult), Yone (E spirit thing), Kayn ult. Keep in mind these champions (and many, many more) have easy ways to get around your R, when you are thinking about fighting them.
Though Lillia is a hard champion to play, she really doesn't have too many "Combos". Here are a few scenarios for you though:
You land E Swirlseed and cast your ult Lilting Lullaby. Auto attack the target if possible as they are falling asleep. Where they land, cast your W Watch Out! Eep! and smite as soon as the damage lands. Then take cast your Q Blooming Blows before they can react.
The FULL damage combo is slightly different, and that is when you proc your R Lilting Lullaby with your Q Blooming Blows. This means the rest of your abilities are off of CD. When the target falls asleep, you lob your E Swirlseed and dunk it on them with your W Watch Out! Eep!. Smite at the same time the damage lands and do the fade away Q for maximum damage output.
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