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Olaf Build Guide by Very Rxre

Jungle S12 Olaf jg Guide

Jungle S12 Olaf jg Guide

Updated on July 1, 2022
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Very Rxre Build Guide By Very Rxre 21 1 66,232 Views 0 Comments
21 1 66,232 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Very Rxre Olaf Build Guide By Very Rxre Updated on July 1, 2022
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Runes: inspiration secondary

Legend: Alacrity
Last Stand

Magical Footwear
Approach Velocity

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health


1 2
LoL Summoner Spell: Ghost


LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

S12 Olaf jg Guide

By Very Rxre
Pathing (your first clear) s11

You should be using both of these clears when playing Olaf. A lot of people have this misconception where they only start blue because they think it's faster and uses less mana but with a leash going red start is completely fine. With a leash you should be able to get around 3:05 on blue side start and 3:06 red side start. I almost always do a fullclear and well, occiasionly I go for a lvl 3 invade path such as blue gromp red or red blue gromp against late game junglers but doing a fullclear is how you always get yourself ahead in gold and xp because other junglers can't clear at your tempo.
How to Climb in Ranked s11
Hi, My name is Rare and I'm a diamond ranked player who mainly plays Olaf, Shyvana, Hecarim, and Kayn. I made this section in my Olaf guide specifically to help players climb. Many of you probably think that you deserve to be a higher rank but the teams you get are holding you back. The other half of you probably think that you deserve the current rank you are in but want to climb higher but don't know what you are doing wrong or how to climb. There are 2 methods I can think of that you can use to your advantage to climb rapidy. First one is simply watching youtube videos and looking at guides for the champion you play. This is obvious and I'm guessing you guys already know this which is why you are viewing mobafire guides in the first place. Now for the second tip I have a phrase I like to use called "pick your cards". I believe that over 60% of your games are decided in champ select. Basically 30/30/40, 30% of games are autowin, 30% are autoloss, 40% are dependent on how well u play. This rule applies to hardstucks or people who have their skill level around their rank. If ur a diamond player smurfing in gold this rule obviously dosen't apply because u can win those unwinnable games since your mechanics and macro are superior to golds. There are 5 players on one team, assuming you are not a troll you are classified as a normal player. That means that you have 4 more players in your team and i'd say there is a decent chance that one of them is either a obvious troll, sub 40% wr, someone first timing a champ/playing a champ they have horrid winrates with, someone with a 5 game or higher loss streak, or a jg/sup autofill (playing with 2+ autofills in your team as jg is miserable, if they main jg or support they definitely can’t lane so you already have an auto lost lane). However enemy team has a higher possibility of getting one of these players since they have 5 chances while you get 4 (again assuming you aren't the troll yourself). So basically you should be able to climb slowly if you do good in every single game.You also want to implement dodging when you are trying to climb because you can avoid a garunteed loss which is like a get out of jail free card. I like to play around 3 games a day when I want to climb which imo is the perfect amount because you won't get too tilted if you go on a loss streak but also so that I can use my 1st dodge daily to avoid 1 garunteed loss.

Some other reasons I see people losing in low elo and their inability to climb are itemization failures, runes failures, horrible camera control (not looking at lanes which means less information), poor understanding of how game works and awful macro decisions, randomly first timing champions (ur gonna do bad and it's basically coinflip whether you get a team that can carry you hard enough even if ur running it), people not playing their one tricks, inconsistency, and 0 vision score/no control wards bought. But the biggest thing in my opinion is the inabilty to 1v9 a game. The reason low elo players struggle so hard to make progress on their accounts is because they can't just straight up 1v9 a game when given a lead. They always make mistakes and either end up giving away shutdowns, getting caught out during fights or certain times in the game or because of bad mental. When you watch vods of high elo junglers smurfing in low elo, you'll see that they almost never give away free kills on them. They are looking everywhere on the map for opportunites and know exactly where they can get kills and which lanes are a waste of time to play around. If you are below plat 2, I can guarantee you that u are making at least one of these mistakes. Itemization and rune failures are easy to fix, all you have to do is copy the build/runes of this guide or go to something like and search runes/itemization for your champ. In low elo you will randomly see people build crazy ****, I've legit seen an ekko mid on my team build duskblade and lethality items when I was boosting a friends gold account and it made me want to cry. Please don't do this, be a normal human and copy what pros are building for your champ. Don't first time champions in ranked, do at least 2 norms games before and don't play it in ranked unless you carried those norms games. You will 100% run it down if you first time champs in ranked and will put your teammates at an unfair disadvantage. Realistically ur not beating a one trick that is the same rank as you if ur first timing a champ. If you are a one trick and your champ is banned, just hold lobby hostage because you know damn well ur gonna int on other champs. The major thing tho that I see is poor understanding of game and decision making failures, macro failures. Macro skills and understanding of the game go up each rank. Improving this simply requires more and more games, the more games u play the better your understanding of the game is. To improve macro watch coaching sessions from high elo junglers such as Tarzaned, Zen Coaching, or Nathan Mott. They all have several coaching sessions uploaded on youtube and those helped me improve when I was stuck in low elo in the past.

One last thing I would like to note is BUY CONTROL WARDS. I constantly see players below silver with literally 0 vision score and they don't buy control wards either. for example you see enemy jg gank top. You go to the enemy junglers opposite side to steal his camps, you should be putting a control ward in one of the bushes for his jg. Enemy jungle comes back to his bot side jg and sees that his camps are missing, he goes to gank bot and your team will see him because of that ward and back off. You just saved your team from getting double killed bot with one ward! trust me, vision saves games.

For those wondering how I look up the of all my teammates without manually checking each player (which takes forever btw) there is a very easy way. When you join a lobby, look at the chat. It should show that all the players join in the chat, you copy and paste it onto text bar and it will show you the player layout for all 5 teammates.

the lobby join messages that ur supposed to copy in the game should look something like this:

airplane water joined the lobby
kumavoid joined the lobby
djtheballer joined the lobby
Just Fluffy joined the lobby
Alpakah59 joined the lobby

you just copy that and paste it into searchbar

If you have any additional questions or are looking for me to do a coaching session for you and my discord is Rare#2573 and I'd be happy to help you. I usually charge $10 for coaching but for 1st session its free and then u can choose after if u want to do another session.

I can also coach Shyvana, Hecarim, or Kayn if you play those champs as well.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Very Rxre
Very Rxre Olaf Guide
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S12 Olaf jg Guide

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