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Ashe Build Guide by Hovr

S12 Poke Queen

S12 Poke Queen

Updated on January 9, 2022
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Hovr Build Guide By Hovr 4,068 Views 0 Comments
4,068 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Hovr Ashe Build Guide By Hovr Updated on January 9, 2022
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Hail of Blades
Cheap Shot
Eyeball Collection
Ultimate Hunter

Biscuit Delivery
Approach Velocity

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2
LoL Summoner Spell: Exhaust


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


Champion Build Guide

S12 Poke Queen

By Hovr
Why poke instead of crit?
I started playing with this because a got a lot of matches that i almost can not auto attack. Crit based builds are weak and there's no point in doing DPS when the game is burst or get bursted. So go with poke, and deal your damage before the fight even start. The extra range you got because your damage is based on you W will make sure to make any assassin stay away from you.

So try it and comment here if it worked for you.
Spells and Runes
Actually exhaust is better than heal so use it almost always. Sometimes you will have no way of getting closer, in this case heal may work better than exhaust.

Go with Hail of Blades, with this you can trade early game pretty well, and late game you can use the three hits on a stunned target to burst it. Arcane Comet is not bad, but i personally think that Hail of Blades is stronger in lane.
Game Plan
Always start strong, with Doran's Blade or Long Sword, only start with Tear of the Goddess if you really think that the lane phase will be just farm and chill.

Hail of blades is perfect to win that lvl 1/2 and guarantee that you can buy the tear without losing so much early pressure, so abuse that.

In the first back buy the tear of the goddess and start with Ravenous Hydra. If everything go well, you will probably buy Manamune in the time your tear finished stacking. The ashe's Q can stack the tear preaty fast, you can use that to make sure that you will always have the tear full stacked when buy the manumune.

First item Hydra is a MUST, if you want to fight, it is a strong item to deal damage, you can do that fast trade with Hail of Blades, heal with omnivamp and trade again. If you do not want to fight you can just clear wave and chill

Depending on the match you can go with these three mythic options i listed, the three of them will do well. If they have no front line, go with DuskBlade because of the invisibility and extra ability haste. If you are weak or the enemy team have a lot of armor items, go with Imperial Mandate. If they have a strong front line go with Eclipse, but i will not lie, if the enemy team have 3+ tanks or fighters with a lot of HP like sett etc the better option is to build AS+Crit+Lethal Tempo.

If you can hit in the fight and are going with Duskblade or Eclipse go with Berseker's Greaves. Sometimes are just impossible to walk-in on the fight, in this case go with Ionian Boots.

Do Axiom Arc as you forth item and end with some situacional item depending on your match and the enemies.

At this point you got like 20s Ult CDR and can always ult twice in any fight. Just stay on the back line and you can do a lot of damage for free.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Hovr
Hovr Ashe Guide
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S12 Poke Queen

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