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Evelynn Build Guide by UDYSOF_OCE



Updated on February 2, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author UDYSOF_OCE Build Guide By UDYSOF_OCE 95 11 294,734 Views 5 Comments
95 11 294,734 Views 5 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author UDYSOF_OCE Evelynn Build Guide By UDYSOF_OCE Updated on February 2, 2024
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Runes: If game times are average 25mins or less

1 2
Sudden Impact
Eyeball Collection
Relentless Hunter

Magical Footwear
Future's Market

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide



My pre-season stats - ALL CHALLENGER GAMES

Hey guys welcome to my challenger Evelynn guide. I'm a challenger Evelynn player and Pro player from OCE. I started playing Evelynn in Season 7 for competitive play and soloqueue. Evelynn was a fundamental champion I played when i finished rank 14 on the OCE server in season 9. And as of more recent Rank 2 in season 13 - this is a screenshot of my rank as proof for anyone curious.

I'll list some of my achievements on Evelynn.
  • Rank 2 OCE
  • Highest Ranked Evelynn OCE
  • Competitive games as Evelynn
  • Highest winrate 2020 on eve in pro play (100%)
  • Played on the worlds stage

So...if you want to see how I do it...come check out the stream if you haven't already! I play Evelynn a lot and other champions to prepare for 2021 Professional play - - I also upload videos to my YouTube from time to time! -

This is a new chapter to my guide and I think it's the most important one.

Evelynn is a very simple champion. She can only be built for one objective - to one-shot! The way to play Evelynn is to be permanently checking your lanes to look for which lanes are winning and which are losing, you must play towards winning lanes early since evelynn before level 6 is very weak. I usually start red then krugs raptors and then full clear my opposite side of the map so I can have red buff early for if I get invaded.
You can also start blue and full clear to red-side depending on which ever lanes are strong because having strong laners back you up is far superior than having red or blue buff. If your laners are taking trades you can easily blow flashes or get early kills especially against enemies heavy trading lanes once you finish your full clear. When i path as Evelynn I aim to focus lanes who have hard CC to set up ganks. Once I have ganked early I would have at least blown a laners flash which means I will path towards that lane again and look to repeat gank them either killing them or putting them far behind in XP as they have to base. Getting a kill before level 6 as Evelynn secures a win honestly, getting your jungle item early is GG. Do not be afraid to go for early ganks, new Evelynn players greatly underestimate her damage in the early game and just powerfarm but do not be afraid Evelynn has the damage to win many early skirmishes if she plays correctly.

Evelynn is about finding picks with her R, Look to fight on side-lanes, getting pics on side-lanes is the Evelynn bread and butter, getting item leads and Mejai stacks is the way to win as Evelynn. Sometimes you can also pick on the mid-lane, this is dependent on having the enemy bot-lane be behind in the mid-game.

If a game is stale you can threaten Baron and 50/50 Baron as Evelynn her R + Smite in the mid game can do 1500+ Damage which means she can never lose a smite fight. I have won many games by spotting the enemy jungler on the bot side of the map and instantly starting baron with my teammates, this means the enemy will not have enough time to start a teamfight and purely rely on their jungler to come and steal the baron which is also impossible since you are Evelynn and win every smite fight.

Remember that Evelynn is not a strong team fighter, how power comes from finding picks in the sidelane, in many scenarios taking a 5v5 teamfight will not be in your favour unless you are fed so try control you teammates and keep your solo laners in the side lanes during the mid to late game.

When objectives are spawning this is your time to look for picks. I always aim to pick an enemy 30-45 seconds before dragons and herald so we can secure it without risking a disadvantageous teamfight.

I take Electrocute because all games I build a lot of Damage stats such as Rabadon's Deathcap on Evelynn which means I am able to land a lot of burst and push out my damage through my spells. In fast fights Electrocute is superior to most runes.

Sudden Impact is great for Increasing damage in skirmishes your Q->E makes sure you secure all kills. Eyeball Collection is my rune of choice because it allows me to focus on fighting and stacking up damage which is Evelynn main objective. Relentless Hunter Allows for you to move fast around the map and get into a good position for picking on squishy champions.

For my secondary runes I like to take Inspiration as I like the movement speed and free gold from Magical Footwear because I can easily run down enemies and find good engages. Future's Market is the most underrated rune in the game. If you can get your item spikes faster than the enemy and one-shot them to get some extra gold to speed up your snowball you will always find success as Evelynn.


My plan for every game I play on Evelynn is to be passive early - we have no gank threat level 2 and can't fight many junglers in the early game. So I usually aim to either survive early and potentially punish weak laners with a W flash charm.

If you have weak really weak laners like Kassadin you can full clear the jungle but without pressure early on Evelynn and if you have a strong botlane you can use their pressure to secure dragon since you do high dps to jungle monsters, or if you have a strong top laner you can use their pressure to secure void grubs as long as the enemies cannot force 2v2 and 3v3 fights against you.

Invading early game

Invading in season 10 is very valuable as killing your opponent stops them farming, which is super important due to the decreased XP of jungle camps meaning it is very easy to fall behind in jungle.

Below are a list of champions you want, and arguably need to invade in the early game:
Master Yi

What commonalities can you guys see in that list? I can see a few to be honest...
-> Tanks
-> Farm heavy
-> Slow clear
-> Weak 1v1

Generally, if the enemy jungler is/has at least one commonality listed above then we definitely want to be invading them early and piling on the pressure. In the 'Early Game' chapter I will talk about HOW we go about invading, but for now it's important to talk about WHERE to invade.

Most junglers start bot side of the map for an easier leash, especially in lower elo, so you guys can easily predict where the enemy jungler is starting and look to invade. Therefore, if they start bot side of the map we want to invade them in their top side at their second buff, and vice versa. Now the champions above will be on their second buff from anywhere between 2.30-3.10ish depending on if they want to hit level 3 as soon as they can or if they full clear.

As you may have noticed, some champions are not on that list, and these include:

-> Elise
-> Ezreal
-> Graves
-> Jarvan IV
-> Kindred
-> Lee Sin
-> Nocturne
-> Rek'Sai
-> Udyr
-> Warwick
-> Xin Zhao

Again, what do these champions share in common?
-> Strong duelers
-> Fast clear

The junglers just mentioned are to be invaded with caution if you choose to do so. I invade pretty much every game regardless of which champion I'm against but I've done it so often that I'm used to it. If you guys aren't comfortable with taking on these guys earlier in the game there's nothing to be ashamed of - and trust me, when I started out playing Evelynn and invading every game it wouldn't be uncommon to see me 0-3 at 5 minutes.

For champions like Elise, Lee Sin, Rek'Sai, their clear is insanely quick. Normally they will start bot side of the map, clear one other camp and finish their 2nd buff and then pressure that side of the map so we only have a small window to invade. Also, they are strong early game champions so if we get spotted by a ward or hit by a crowd control (CC) ability then we may have to ff at 15.

Those champions in the second list, most of them at least, will get their 2 buffs and level 3 as soon as possible and gank a lane - a bit like us but we're slightly quicker since we can gank at level 2. Therefore, we can get to a lane without threat of being (and I'll show you guys the best clear for Shaco in the 'Early Game' chapter if we want to gank) and pick up easy kills. This will be easier to envision in the forthcoming chapter but we need to think about WHICH LANE to gank. I'll list a few reasons why we'd want to gank a certain lane early...
-> Our laner(s) has CC
-> Enemy champion(s) has no Flash or their Flash is on cooldown (CD)
-> Enemy champion(s) will push the lane early (making them more susceptible to a gank)
-> The matchup is 'snowbally' - one kill might decide the lane
-> We anticipate that the enemy jungler will gank that lane early, so we want to counter-gank IF we win the 2v2 or we try to get there first of course
If a lane has only one reason I listed then it's still worthy of a gank early game!
If you would like private coaching dm me on discord udysof#9437 or check out my website

Mentality is a key part of being a professional player wether you want to be a soloqueue player, amateur player, platinum player any type of player having good mentality will always better you. Ways to improve on these can include focusing on the external parts of your life. Things I did was only play a maximum of 6 games per day, eat only healthy food and worked out every second day. My schedule and life was incredibly strict around performance when I was a professional player and I recommend all people who love the game to also take care of themselves.

Sleep deprivation can easily disrupt concentration, not to mention other cognitive functions, such as memory and attention.

Occasional sleep deprivation may not cause too many problems for you. But regularly failing to get a good night’s sleep can affect your mood and performance at work.

Being too tired can even slow down your reflexes and affect your ability to drive or do other daily tasks.

A demanding schedule, health issues, and other factors sometimes make it difficult to get enough sleep. But it’s important to try and get as close to the recommended amount as possible on most nights.

Many experts recommend adults aim for 7 to 8 hours of sleep each night.

Improving the sleep you do get can also have benefit. A few quick tips:

Turn off the TV and put away screens an hour before bed.
Keep your room at a comfortable but cool temperature.
Wind down before bed with soft music, a warm bath, or a book.
Go to bed and get up around the same time each day, even on weekends.
Exercise regularly, but try to avoid a heavy workout just before bed.

How can taking a break from work or homework increase your concentration? This idea might seem counterintuitive, but experts say it really works.

Consider this scenario: You’ve spent a few hours on the same project, and suddenly your attention starts to wander. Even though it’s hard to keep your mind on the task, you stay at your desk, forcing yourself to keep going. But your struggle to focus just makes you feel stressed and anxious about not completing your work in time.

You’ve probably been there before. Next time this happens, when you first feel your concentration drop, take a short mental break. Refresh yourself with a cool drink or nutritious snack, take a quick walk, or go outside and get some sun.

When you return to soloqueue, don’t be surprised if you feel more focused, motivated, or even creative. Breaks can help boost these functions and more.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author UDYSOF_OCE
UDYSOF_OCE Evelynn Guide
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