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Aurelion Sol Build Guide by Scaranova

Middle [S15] Tonky Sol

Middle [S15] Tonky Sol

Updated on January 27, 2025
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Scaranova Build Guide By Scaranova 6,463 Views 1 Comments
6,463 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Scaranova Aurelion Sol Build Guide By Scaranova Updated on January 27, 2025
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Arcane Comet
Manaflow Band

Presence of Mind
Cut Down

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport



Item starter
Generic starter
1st item
Will never change
boots options
If its really necessary (ex: against 4 ap)
2nd item
3rd item
Against an AD laner (good in general)
Against an AP laner
Rest of the build
3rd item : Good in general
4th item : depend of your need
For the PV
For the MR + damage
For the regen + damage

Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

[S15] Tonky Sol

By Scaranova
About Aurelion

About the champ

Firstly, welcome to this beautiful world of the late game. Where stacks are your new objectives and you could die for one of them (in-game).

As you may know and as you can see on League of Graph, Aurelion Sol, even if he created the universe, get coutered by everyone and counter nobody (even yuumi i think, never tried).

But as Aurelion Sol, you have to be the smarter on the rift, to play it.

I'll not say this is a troll build, because it can work very well in most cases but only if you manage to go throught the early game (like every Asol game i know).
But as you may know, above 300-400 stacks, stacks are more valuable than AP stats, and my build is based on this.

Your goal, is to shield you as much as possible in order to play aggressivly and stack even more than with a glass cannon build in order to outperform it in late game.
I know that this patch, with the Atakhan, early champs are even better, but eh, if you play Aurelion you're not here for the early !

Here are the pros and cons of this build :
cons :
    Not very usefull before 10 min (not the fault of the build, its Asol ^^)
    You will have less damage (in early)
    You will need some time to adapt to the gameplay
    You're team will think that you troll

pros :
    You outperform the glass cannon build in late game
    You are tonky
    You will surprise everyone with your tankiness
    You can commit more => more stacks
    You're a dragon => you're better

Even if i'm only mastery 30 and i'm dumb as my feets (if you're here, you're like me... pls), i hope you'll enjoy this guide and discover a new Aurelion !


Firstly, i'm not here to give you basics advice for the champ, i'm here to explain how to and why play my build.

Early Game

During the laning phase, you will have 2 goals : dont die, and stacks (obviously).
But here, those 2 goals are even more important.
And even if its a tonky build, the first item stay the same, so you have to play safe for now, stay under tower, use your range and scortch. Thanks to the runes and the tear, you have the mana to do it. Even if your goal is to stack, don't use your E every time, it cost a lot (that's why i advice to don't upgrade it) and the stacks that you will gain with the E are not worth, trust me.

One good timing to have is to back before the objectives, be ready to fight. As i said, you're weak early and the firsts objectives are extremly importants, so be ready, the mid game arrive...

Mid Game

Okay, lets say you have your 2 firsts items, rylai and Seraphin. Or even frozen hearth / rookern if you dont think that having a full stacked tear is better than a Seraphin, we never know ^^.
This is the moment where my build can start. You can start to play aggrssivly, but intelligently. You have the shield to commmit, but you're still Aurelion. Remember, you're here for stacks. Theoretically, while your team dont die, as long as you're fighting, you're winning because you're stacking (sry thats a lot of -ing). Use your "tankiness" to stacks, not over commit and die ^^. In all case, you will not deal a lot of damage, so stack, thats the only thing you can do !

Late Game

Here we go, now the fun begin.
You have stacks, enough to compete with a normal AP build. But, you can tank, so now, you can stack exponentially thanks to your tankiness !
I don't have anything to say except that for the early game, as i said above, mana is more valuable than what the resolve tree can offer you. So as long as you go for mana runes, you can customize it as you wish !


It's obviously a must have, i know that some build start with black torch, but for 2 reason we will start with Rylai :
- We dont go AP, so no black torch
- Rylai is THE item to stack more efficiently


His shield is very good for the early and the late game, and it has a good amount of mana and hp so must have in general

Frozen hearth / Rookern

Do you know what is the most frustrating for an assassin like Katarina ? Not having damage. So why dont we just suppress them ? You know why Lux / Vel'koz or other AP champs dont start with those items ? Because they are not dumb ? Maybe, but mostly because items is their only way to deal damage. But here, we are smart, we play a dragon that dont need AP to deal damage, because we have the holy stacks !
So here, take the item that counter your lane opponent the best.
And the mana that offer Frozen Hearth is very cool !


I know thats a weird item, and i know that some Asol build had Jak'Sho in it but as last item. And you know why ? Because a 40-50 min, we dont need AP anymore because we have stacks, thats why those builds had tank items as last item. But here, we are smarter, we do it in 3rd (or 4th for jak'sho) !

No seriously, this is the moment of the game where you need to have a global impact, and Jak'Sho, because of his stats and passive, is a good item for it.
Moreover, because of the build and your gameplay style (long fights), the passive is technically perfect for this build !

Zhonya / Banshee

I may guess your question : "why dont do it as 2nd item ? It have armor / RM and have AP to deal damage !".
And the first reason is... It's fun, it's fun to have a tank item as 2nd item. Yeah, that's it.
To be serious, as i said, we're here to stacks, not deal damage, and against a lane bully, Frozen hearth and Rookern are the best items to keep you alive ! (+ the mana from Frozen hearth is very cool in early)

Abyssal Mask

I know that this item is weeird asf, and i totally agree, but this item may be a good item in order to tank even more against a full AP team, that's why i put it in the situationnal section. But still can be usefull.


Against an AP/AD team, Warmog may be a good compromise because of the lack of interesting MR/Armor item for Aurelion. Moreover, because of the strategy of this build which is to fight more and longer, Warmog appear as a very good item.


This one is kinda obvious for Aurelion, but here with this build it's even more valuable. Due to our tankiness we'll be using his passive even more because we do longer fights !

Additional notes

You can go further into the tankiness by making Warmog or any other tank item, but here, i think that because of the weakness that represent the CC for Aurelion , Banshee can be a good item in late game, and Zhonya for the same reason (and the amount of armor will be very good with Frozen Hearth and Jak'Sho).
Thank you for reading !
As you may guess, we're not here to discover a new meta, i'm not here to show you a new build that can allow you to increase your winrate. I'm only here to show a new way to play Aurelion. Some AP champs like Lux or Veigar are here to destroy you in 2 spells. And i think that this build is not made for Aurelion, that's why 99% of the builds go Liandry or Black Torch. But i want to go deeper, i want to use stacks as much as possible. I want to create a build which does not depend of the AP ratio of the champ. The only weak spot of the late game Aurelion is his survivabilty, so why not counter this and let the stacks do the damage ?

In all case, it all depend of your gameplay, personnaly, i love stacking (oh really?). So if you stack, with this build, you can literally counter your counter ! What is a Katarina / Fizz / Yasuo / Yone without damage ? It's only a hitbox with HP that give you stacks if you vomit on it !

All i can say is good luck and may the stacks be with you
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Scaranova
Scaranova Aurelion Sol Guide
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[S15] Tonky Sol

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