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Choose Champion Build:
- Full Burst with Penetration
Recommended Items
Ability Order
Unseen Threat (PASSIVE)
Kha'Zix Passive Ability
This is one of my first builds that i have created on this website so i guess i will just get to the point. I don't like how Kha'Zix has become such a dead champion meanwhile i think he still has the potential to be a gap closer assassin, however you just have to play him correctly and know the right time to strike.
+ Very Damaging Assassin
+ Can destroy squishy targets in less than 3 seconds
+ Mid/Late game the jungle clearing speeds is god fast including global objectives like Baron/Dragon/Herald
- Early jungling is quite weak
- With the right CC can be put out of the teamfight in seconds
- Requires patience to engage
- Requires a good leash in the early to carry the late
+ Can destroy squishy targets in less than 3 seconds
+ Mid/Late game the jungle clearing speeds is god fast including global objectives like Baron/Dragon/Herald
- Early jungling is quite weak
- With the right CC can be put out of the teamfight in seconds
- Requires patience to engage
- Requires a good leash in the early to carry the late
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