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Ryze Build Guide by PeneTM

AP Offtank [S6] Math proven Ryze guide

AP Offtank [S6] Math proven Ryze guide

Updated on July 14, 2016
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League of Legends Build Guide Author PeneTM Build Guide By PeneTM 4,722 Views 0 Comments
4,722 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author PeneTM Ryze Build Guide By PeneTM Updated on July 14, 2016
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This guide gives you ALL the possibilities, the keys of the champion and some maths to understand the CDR. The rest is up to YOU.
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CDR explanations

For this computation, I have three hypothesis :
* You have perfect timing for your skills. You can achieve almost this with experience.
* Damage depends on the time. This is valid with low cooldown champs like Ryze or Cassiopeia.
* Q and E are linked, if you hit E, you hit your Q. This is not true, but helps to make simple maths.

Why CDR :
IF you have PERFECT timing on your skills, on a same time, the damage output is :
With a 1200 damage 20% CDR => 1500 damages
  • 0% CDR -> 1200 damages
  • 5% CDR -> 1263 damages
  • 10% CDR -> 1333 damages
  • 20% CDR -> 1500 damages
  • 40% CDR -> 2000 damages
  • 45% CDR -> 2182 damages

With 800, full tank, typical 45% CDR => 1454 damages
  • 0% CDR -> 800 damages
  • 5% CDR -> 842 damages
  • 10% CDR -> 888 damages
  • 20% CDR -> 1000 damages
  • 40% CDR -> 1333 damages
  • 45% CDR -> 1454 damages

As you can see, with apparently less damages, you can do even damages, thanks to CDR. If you take in account that you will survive longer in the fight as a tank, the tank version WILL DO more damages.

The second fact we have to see is that the 5 last percent are better than the 5 first percent. With 1200 damages, 5% gives you 63 damages. But from 40 to 45%, it gives you 182 damages. Thanks to maths. If you want to SEE it, lets graph it on google.

Equation : damage/x with x equals to (1-CDR)

When X = 1, you have 0% CDR, with X = 0.55, you have 45% CDR.

To plot it on google, just copy/paste the equation on google.

800 damage graph equation : 800/x from 0.45 to 1
1200 damage graph equation : 1200/x from 0.45 to 1
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Unique Skills

Your main damage combo : QEQZQEQ

Ready to engage combo : QEEQ, First E twice a minion, then you can engage, thanks to your movespeed.

They gank me combo : QEZQ, snare the ennemy and use your movespeed to run away.
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Team Work

Always keep an eye on who is near to you to use your ultimate.

If you have 2 tanks with you, you can TP right into the ennemies.
If you have squichies, please, just TP at a correct distance to avoid them to be one shot.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author PeneTM
PeneTM Ryze Guide
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[S6] Math proven Ryze guide

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