Unless you get on top of her and burst her down, she is a big threat. A failed engage on her usually results in you dying because she can perma slow you and run you down after you use all of your abilities. Annoying poke as well.
Nearly impossible to engage into Alistar. He can press a button and knock you up, knock you away, perma stun you, ect. If your teamate isn't playing ali, he's a good ban.
Not anything notable. Be careful of his poke when he has his rifle. Otherwise, it's mainly a skill matchup.
You can take him on easily. Samira can solo most adcs so he won't get to roam or leave lane as much as wants.
You can block his q with your w, but his W+E combo is annoying and can mess your engage up. Otherwise, it's not a bad matchup.
He is a big threat until you get on top of him. You have to watch out for his ult as well. It is a good idea to sometimes save w for his ult.
Fair matchup. His stun is annoying, but it doesn't last very long.
She can get away easy with her net and traps and can outrange you. A good stun will make it easy to kill her though. Otherwise, play safe.
He can knock you out of ult with his e, but you can take away one of his axes if you block an empowered attack with your w.
Pokes you and deals tons of damage, and he basically has a free flash. Good ban.
Not very scary, but she can be a bit hard to kill because of her ult.
Fair matchup. Only thing to think about is his w because you can't block it with your w.
A good Jinx will put traps at their feet to stop you, but you can get behind her if you have a good engage support, so pretty good matchup.
Even matchup. Nothing special to worry about.
A Kalista that is good at kiting can be a threat, but you out damage her and she dies easy if your support locks her down.
Point and click root + the ability to speed up her teammate kinda sucks for you. I personally hate her so I ban her a lot cause of her empowered q, but if you don't mind then you can ban someone else.
His only safety is his slow. Pretty easy to abuse in lane.
Same reasons as Alistar, but not as bad. Samira does good with engage tanks, but poorly against them.
Even matchup. Kinda hard to kill with an enhancer.
Polymorph and ult makes it way too difficult to kill the adc, but you can sometimes get away with focusing and bursting her.
Annoying poke, but easy to kill once you get on top of her.
His q can shut you down, but he should be manageable.
Miss Fortune
Easy to kill. Like kog maw, her only safety is her slow.
Her spell shield makes it super difficult for your support to engage. Her root lasts very long and her ult is very powerful against engagers. She is a good ban.
She is squishy, but she can be very strong if she gets her abilities off. Her ult is a decent disengage.
2 point and click cc abilities. Difficult to get to the adc.
It is the sad truth, but Nilah is just way better than Samira at everything. Samira is high risk high reward, but Nilah is low risk high reward. Her ult also cancels your ult. I personally find her super boring, which is why I play Samira. She is a good ban as well.
Pont and click stun, but he can also burst you down super fast. Probably the worst champion to go against, so it might be a good idea to ban him.
If you dodge his q you should be fine. You can block his e stun with your w if you time it right. He is super good at running away though.
Not too bad if you dodge his abilities.
Her new q is very good at shutting you down. Most of the time you will die if you get caught in her ult.
Renata Glasc
She would be an even matchup, but since her ult is so slow, you can block it very easily. She has decent disengage, but that is it really. Same your w for her ult in team fights.
Her poke is annoying, but she is like a piece of paper once you get close to her.
You can block her ult easily as well. She has an annoying lane though.
You can deal with her easily, but your support might struggle to stun her due to her spell shield.
She is a minor threat until she gets her ultimate. The ult animation is very subtle, so you will probably have to predict it if you want to block it.
She can sustain her adc a lot and can basically throw down an instant silence. She is a decent ban, but I personally wouldn't ban her.
You can dodge his root by dashing though him before it comes back. His ult is pretty annoying to deal with especially when he takes rylai's.
He can use q a lot against Samira, he can stun you pretty easily, and can make his teammate immortal if he times it. You can find ways around him though.
You can avoid his engage most of the time, but his disengage is very strong. You probably won't get many kills against him.
She deals more single target damage than you and can either run away or push you away with ease. She is a very good ban.
Not much of a threat in lane. You do need to be careful later because if you engage and you don't know where he is, you can die to his ult pretty fast, or he will just outrange you.
He is annoying, but not anything special. You can deny half of his damage just by blocking his q.
Her true damage isn't that bad against you, but her q, ult and e are all very difficult to deal with. If you hate Vayne like me, she is a pretty good ban. She also can counter engage tanks well.
He is more unpopular as a support now, but he can full counter you and your support just with his e. Only way out is to flash though it or cleanse. Also has good poke and tons of damage later.
Not bad if you dodge his abilities. His knock-up can mess you up though.
High damage and her ult can save her most of the time. If you extend too much she will recall her feathers and deal tons of damage.
Dangerous from afar, easy up close. His stun is much shorter point blank.
Unpopular pick but will outperform you in every way. Windwall can also block hooks from your support. He is a popular pick in general, so if you hate yas you can ban him.
Same as yasuo. I personally would rather fight yone though.
Literally free win if your support knows what to do. They only have to worry about stunning one person.
Decent matchup in lane. Be careful cause she can out scale you.
Another unpopular pick, but it is an even matchup.
There are 2 reasons for her being an extreme threat. 1. you can't block her root. 2. Her ult makes any engage impossible. Also, very annoying poke. Samira's range is just low enough that zyra's ranged plants will attack you if you try to destroy it.
He has decent poke, good disengage, and a rez for his teammate. No one really plays his, so I wouldn't waste a ban on him.
Impossible to engage against. You will constantly be shoves under turret and harassed.
Very strong engage. They can't dodge it and he can even throw them into you. He gives you more sustain and can protect you when he needs to. Probably the best support for Samira.
Ashe has no synergy with Samira, but she is so strong that she can basically carry you to midgame most of the time.
Against poke matchups, Samira can't be by herself. Bard's stun is too hard to hit and lasts for one second.
Strong engage, just not as good as other engage supports.
No synergy, but is not a bad support.
He can protect you well and has pretty good follow up when you engage. His q is also good for poking.
Completely goes against her playstyle. Forces every wave to shove, so you get no engages.
If she can hit her q often, she is pretty good. She can also give you more ad, which is nice.
Her engage isn't fantastic, but she can make lane pretty easy for you.
Another good support. Her engage can go through minions, and she can stun for a long time.
Like karma, she will make you lane easy, but there won't be many kills.
Good poke and decent engage. Her shield is nice, but not very powerful.
His only cc knocks them away, but he heals you a lot. Pretty good late game.
Her spell shield removes one of Samira's biggest weaknesses: CC. Her root lasts for 3 seconds at max rank, which basically is a free kill once you get some items.
Good engage if she can land her q and can boost your damage and heal you.
My personal favorite support to play with. His engage pulls him towards the enemy and technically counts as a knock up, so you can proc your passive on it. Point and click knock up on his ult makes kills super easy to get. Alistar is probably better though.
His cc isn't very long but it is point and click. You can basically blow up enemies in under a second when he takes press the attack. He can take pressure off of you with his e when necessary.
His q lets you proc passive, he deals a lot of damage, and his ult helps you snowball and get multi-kills. He kinda falls off, but he can get you super fed.
He can shield you in fights and give you some healing in lane. He has pretty good engage as well. An underrated pick with Samira.
Also very good engage tank. Can speed you up, dive the enemies, stun them, and keep them in range with ult.
Renata Glasc
She can give you the sion passive with her w which is very useful on Samira. Decent engage and shielding. Her ult is just generally good.
Nothing special, but she has a bit of sustain for you and a root.
She has good lockdown and sustain. One of the best mages to play with Samira.
Not very useful until she gets ult.
Very good lane sustain, but that's about it.
Pretty good engage and he can fight alongside with you. Once he gets ult, the enemies will be forced to run for their lives after you two engage.
Heals, shields, can give you a stun and immortality. What else could you ask for?
Good engage, can give you an escape tool and small shield. Good lockdown and disengage when you need it.
He is alright. Smart enemies won't walk into the stun so you won't get passive.
He is a bit better than veigar because he has a knockup which is good for your passive, but he is a mage so don't expect a lot of backup once you go in.
He can give you an easy lane. His stun is actually very good if he hits it at max power. Nothing special though.
She is pretty unreliable. No engage. If you somehow manage to get kills, you can snowball, but any other enhancer is better.
Pretty good damage and stun. Can lock down enemies or speed you up so you can chase. The rez is pretty nice too.
You can both deal some massive AOE damage with your ultimates. Very good team fighting duo. She has lots of lockdown and a root that goes through minions.
Very strong engage. They can't dodge it and he can even throw them into you. He gives you more sustain and can protect you when he needs to. Probably the best support for Samira.
Ashe has no synergy with Samira, but she is so strong that she can basically carry you to midgame most of the time.
Against poke matchups, Samira can't be by herself. Bard's stun is too hard to hit and lasts for one second.
Strong engage, just not as good as other engage supports.
No synergy, but is not a bad support.
He can protect you well and has pretty good follow up when you engage. His q is also good for poking.
Completely goes against her playstyle. Forces every wave to shove, so you get no engages.
If she can hit her q often, she is pretty good. She can also give you more ad, which is nice.
Her engage isn't fantastic, but she can make lane pretty easy for you.
Another good support. Her engage can go through minions, and she can stun for a long time.
Like karma, she will make you lane easy, but there won't be many kills.
Good poke and decent engage. Her shield is nice, but not very powerful.
His only cc knocks them away, but he heals you a lot. Pretty good late game.
Her spell shield removes one of Samira's biggest weaknesses: CC. Her root lasts for 3 seconds at max rank, which basically is a free kill once you get some items.
Good engage if she can land her q and can boost your damage and heal you.
My personal favorite support to play with. His engage pulls him towards the enemy and technically counts as a knock up, so you can proc your passive on it. Point and click knock up on his ult makes kills super easy to get. Alistar is probably better though.
His cc isn't very long but it is point and click. You can basically blow up enemies in under a second when he takes press the attack. He can take pressure off of you with his e when necessary.
His q lets you proc passive, he deals a lot of damage, and his ult helps you snowball and get multi-kills. He kinda falls off, but he can get you super fed.
He can shield you in fights and give you some healing in lane. He has pretty good engage as well. An underrated pick with Samira.
Also very good engage tank. Can speed you up, dive the enemies, stun them, and keep them in range with ult.
Renata Glasc
She can give you the sion passive with her w which is very useful on Samira. Decent engage and shielding. Her ult is just generally good.
Nothing special, but she has a bit of sustain for you and a root.
She has good lockdown and sustain. One of the best mages to play with Samira.
Not very useful until she gets ult.
Very good lane sustain, but that's about it.
Pretty good engage and he can fight alongside with you. Once he gets ult, the enemies will be forced to run for their lives after you two engage.
Heals, shields, can give you a stun and immortality. What else could you ask for?
Good engage, can give you an escape tool and small shield. Good lockdown and disengage when you need it.
He is alright. Smart enemies won't walk into the stun so you won't get passive.
He is a bit better than veigar because he has a knockup which is good for your passive, but he is a mage so don't expect a lot of backup once you go in.
He can give you an easy lane. His stun is actually very good if he hits it at max power. Nothing special though.
She is pretty unreliable. No engage. If you somehow manage to get kills, you can snowball, but any other enhancer is better.
Pretty good damage and stun. Can lock down enemies or speed you up so you can chase. The rez is pretty nice too.
You can both deal some massive AOE damage with your ultimates. Very good team fighting duo. She has lots of lockdown and a root that goes through minions.
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