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Ryze Build Guide by Ballsman

Middle Schizophrenia

Middle Schizophrenia

Updated on February 28, 2023
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Ballsman Build Guide By Ballsman 402 21 226,932 Views 21 Comments
402 21 226,932 Views 21 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Ballsman Ryze Build Guide By Ballsman Updated on February 28, 2023
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Runes: I see him in my dreams.

1 2 3
Phase Rush
Manaflow Band
Gathering Storm

Biscuit Delivery
Cosmic Insight

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health


1 2 3
In your walls.
LoL Summoner Spell: Barrier


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


Ability Order I hear him scratching.

Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide


By Ballsman
Ryze loves you.
He loves you, you should play him. Follow these steps very carefully and you will successfully earn his trust. Don't fret, he only enters your dreams, visits your doorways and talks to you when you are alone. But other than that he makes a 'friend' if I dare call him that.

Make sure you keep him at bounds length, he can't get too close. If he does you face dire and dreadful consequences. He hates touch, he hates love, like the cold runes that he has to find in order to 'save Runeterra'. No one listens to Ryze but is it for good reason? Do they not listen to him because he is just old? Or is it because of the underlying tones that he is on the brink of death due to his overwhelming dementia. He is in his final stages and is surrounded by confusion and torment.

Despite this anguish, he persists, especially making sure he makes it to the runes. If anything thing he needs to make it to the psych ward, just like you will after getting especially close to him. Like I mentioned earlier, he lurks around until he feels it's time to get close, when he feels you have done enough in order to satisfy his lasting hunger. But is it his hunger? Or is it your insatiable desire to feel the everloving embrace of another being?

Are you using Ryze as a comfort champ because those around you are suffering and you felt you need an escape? Is what seems to be an old grumpy man who runs around looking for outdated stones really just symbolism for your eternal search for the sweet love of another person? Or is he the way you cope with the loss of a loved one, someone who was around but suffered the same fate that we will all eventually reach and he is analagous to your search for your memories with them? All the times you spent together laughing, hugging, sharing your deepest most inner feelings with each other. Is he really just another champ? Or is he something more?

Of course, what a stupid question, he is just another champ, he couldn't possibly be slowly taking over my every thought, every inch of your exquisite little brain mush. How could this game show something that is just a funny little blue guy and then have you just melt him and turn him into an amorphous mess that somehow resembles how you feel. How is it that you have turned another piece of joy, or something that once did, into another thing that has just become a chore? An endless, repeating task that never ends.

What is it you are looking for? Why do you choose Ryze? Is it that you chose him or you were slowly over time drawn to him, was he calling you, luring you in? Were you really acting on your own free will to use Ryze, or was there something deep down inside that knew that Ryze was the answer. Regardless, he is here, he is with you, you are with him. Whatever you do after playing this champ is no longer your choice, it's Ryze's. How you may ask, that I cannot answer and most likely will never be able to. No one ever will.

You may ask yourself a few things. What those guestions may be is entirely personal but usually boil down to some simple concepts. Where did it go wrong? What happened? What led me to this point? To put it simply. Its complicated. Its... very complicated and it's an issue that only you know the answer to. Was it a broken dream that never began? Was it a first love you never felt? It was one moment, one single second, that changed everything.

You haven't been the same since that moment, you either felt a rage so strong or a sadness so overwhelming. The shameful realisation that you can't someone or something you have longed to have for so, so long. Just to never be able to reach it. Always, just out of grasp. IT'S AT THE TIP OF YOUR FINGERS.

That's what Ryze is, he is a manifestation of all the unjustness and cruelty you have experienced, he is simply your tormentor. He mocks, he lurks, just out of your reach. That is in part why you shouldn't go near him, unless you are ready to fully confront the pain and dispair you have held for so long. He is all of it, everyone single second, minute, hour, you have spent crying or in pain. He is every single bad thought about yourself, he is all the fake scenarios you make, he is your anxiety, he is your fear, he is it...

But how? Why Ryze? Why can't you just be normal. Just have 'normal' issues instead of this freak, this lurking, sociopathic, demented man. It's something that even I cannot explain. The closest thing i've come to in terms of an explanantion is that he is using you. But not in the way you would expect. He isn't using you for his gain, or just to pass his own time. He is using you to help you.

He wants to show you the answer, but alas he can't communicate. How are you supposed to communicate with a manifestation of your own self-conscience? You can't, it can try, YOU can try. But to no avail. Nothing will come of it, nothing ever will. The answer is unfortunately a personal one. What are you missing? Why do you feel the way you do? As I mentioned earlier, you may be asking yourself a question along the lines of "where did it all go wrong?". If you know the answer to that question, you can unfurl, unwind, deconstruct the very process it took for you to get to where you are.

The key to the problem is is your own mind. But the problem is also your own mind. Quite paradoxical. How can you simultaneously have the problem and solution be the same thing simultaneously?? Well that is where Ryze steps in. He splits what seems to be a paradox if you will, into two different segments. He is the key and you are the cage.





All must eventually learn to accept his eternal grace. All will learn. All will heal.
Unlocking the potential within.
For those thatare first accepting:

For those who have experience:

For those that are willing to fully commit to Ryze:
Take colloidal silver supplements. Good for the health. Good for the Blue. Good for the skin. Turn Blue. Be Ryze. Blue. The colour Blue. Blue = Ryze. Ryze = Blue. If you are Blue. You are Ryze.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Ballsman
Ballsman Ryze Guide
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