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Neeko Build Guide by HikariWoosh

Middle [SEASON 13] Predator Neeko Mid Guide to Dominate the Map

Middle [SEASON 13] Predator Neeko Mid Guide to Dominate the Map

Updated on February 13, 2023
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League of Legends Build Guide Author HikariWoosh Build Guide By HikariWoosh 16,983 Views 1 Comments
16,983 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author HikariWoosh Neeko Build Guide By HikariWoosh Updated on February 13, 2023
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Runes: Predetor Scaling (Hard engage)

1 2 3 4
Cheap Shot
Eyeball Collection
Relentless Hunter

Gathering Storm

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2 3
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Threats & Synergies

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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
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Champion Build Guide

[SEASON 13] Predator Neeko Mid Guide to Dominate the Map

By HikariWoosh

Q- Blooming Burst

Neeko's Q - Blooming Burst is a mid range skill shot ability that can go over walls and minions. The abilites damage is split into its frontloaded inital damage when it first is used, and then up to two more weaker damage ticks after it either A) Hit an enemy, or B) Kills a minion

Q - Blooming Burst can be used in a variaty of manners, but works most effectivly when combined with her E - Tangle-Barbs as this allows all three of Blooming Burst's ticks of damage to go off.

W - Shapesplitter

Neeko's Shapesplitter can be used in both a defensive and aggresive manner. Firstly, it can be used to divert gank attempts by forcing the jungler and laner to commit their damage onto one copy. This best works when both the real and the clone are both in a similar situation, as running to saftey as the real one is often obvious, so putting yourslef in danger can always be an option.

As for offensive options, you can use the temporary invisability from Shapesplitter to reposition into a better spot to Tangle-Barbs into Blooming Burst your enemy from, or begin your R charge a little earlier than expected and gap close. Futhermore, the speed bosst it gives you helps close the distance against more mobile matchups, and can allow you to aggresivly push up or kite back.

E - Tangle-Barbs

Tangle-Barbs is Neeko's primary utility ability and enables her kit. Theres not much to say about the ability except its a key part of Tangle-Barbs into Blooming Burst which is Neeko's standard trading pattern.

A key part to note is that if your Tangle-Barbs hits a minion or an enemy the ability will get a larger hitbox, move faster, and root for a longer time, so its desired to shoot this ability through a minion for maximum potential.

R - Pop Blossom

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League of Legends Build Guide Author HikariWoosh
HikariWoosh Neeko Guide
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[SEASON 13] Predator Neeko Mid Guide to Dominate the Map

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