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Hecarim Build Guide by Tugenthoel



Updated on January 11, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Tugenthoel Build Guide By Tugenthoel 28 7 38,323 Views 2 Comments
28 7 38,323 Views 2 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Tugenthoel Hecarim Build Guide By Tugenthoel Updated on January 11, 2024
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Phase Rush
Nimbus Cloak

Eyeball Collection
Treasure Hunter

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health


1 2
LoL Summoner Spell: Ghost


LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


Threats & Synergies

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Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
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Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide


By Tugenthoel

My name is Tugenthoel, i started playing hecarim spring 2023 and some call me a legend in the poland servers (hardstuck emerald). I found this build while testing builds for hecarim and holy ****, this went almost as hard as the cr*ck my neighbour offered me yesterday.

"AI, is it okay and healthy to play hecarim 16 hours a day while full on blasting hardstyle?"

"Playing Hecarim in League of Legends for 16 hours a day while blasting hardstyle music is a unique and intense gaming experience. Hecarim, known as the Shadow of War, is a fast-paced, high-impact champion in the popular MOBA game League of Legends. Players who choose to dedicate such an extensive amount of time to mastering this character embark on a journey that is both thrilling and challenging.

Firstly, the sheer amount of time spent playing – 16 hours a day – is a testament to the dedication required to excel with Hecarim. This extended gameplay allows players to deeply immerse themselves in Hecarim's abilities, understanding the nuances of his skill set. Hecarim is a champion who excels in rapid engagements and swift ganks, making him a formidable opponent on the battlefield. With his devastating charge and fearsome onslaught, he can turn the tide of any skirmish.

The addition of blasting hardstyle music adds another layer to this gaming marathon. Hardstyle, known for its energetic beats and pulsating rhythms, perfectly complements Hecarim's aggressive playstyle. The music's intensity fuels the adrenaline, keeping players alert and focused during long gaming sessions. It synchronizes with Hecarim's in-game movements, creating an almost rhythmic dance of warfare. The fast-paced nature of hardstyle mirrors Hecarim's swift attacks and rapid rotations around the map, enhancing the player's immersion and reaction time.

However, playing for such extended periods can be both physically and mentally taxing. It requires not only skill and strategy but also a high level of endurance. Players must be mindful of their health, ensuring they take regular breaks and maintain a balanced lifestyle outside of the game. The mental fortitude to stay focused and perform consistently over 16 hours is a feat in itself.

In summary, playing Hecarim for 16 hours a day while blasting hardstyle in League of Legends is an experience that combines high-energy gameplay with the relentless beats of music. It demands dedication, skill, and endurance, offering a unique and immersive way to engage with the game. However, it's important to balance such intense gaming sessions with adequate rest and health-conscious practices.This extreme gaming regimen also fosters a deep connection between the player and Hecarim's character. Over time, players develop a profound understanding of his lore, personality, and role within the game's universe. This often leads to a sense of kinship with Hecarim, as players embody his spectral warrior spirit. Moreover, the community aspect cannot be overlooked. Engaging with other avid League of Legends players, sharing strategies, and competing in high-stakes matches adds a social dimension to this experience. It's not just about the game; it's about being part of a community that shares a passion for Hecarim's dynamic gameplay and the energetic world of hardstyle music."

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League of Legends Build Guide Author Tugenthoel
Tugenthoel Hecarim Guide
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