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he will nto let you have an easy lane, counter that with your jungler, punish him if he overextends and latter split push the ***** out of him abusing is lack of mobility, if you survive the lane this match up becomes easier the longer the game gets
same as darius mostly
just afk, most broken champ since beta, gg easy
Dr. Mundo
depends of good you are dodging skillshots like the others tops you can splitpush easy if you survive lane abusing is lack of mobility
this is probably one of your worst match ups since she can mess up your initiation, focus in surviving lane and late game teh split push becomes more complicated because of is chase potential, so be more carefull and try to use your global pressure more, remember you have two globals and she only has one so abuse that
its a combination of darius and fiora but with an easir early lane, you can try to trade but be careful of barrels and ganks,unlike the others he odes not have mobility but have insane burst so try to not fight alone 1 vs 1,still you can split push easy and also apply global pressure
one of your easiest match ups since all hsi damage is magic and its a tank like you, banner of commands works wonders because almost all of his cleaning damage is magic plus hes bad vs split pushers, jsut be careful to not stay in lane if you have low health because he has insane sinergy with junglers
another mele tank, easy to lane but harder to split push because he has mobility, still you just need to be more careful when split and try to not get caught because he has insane synergy with junglers
same as malphite mostly, beware of his insane cc
another split pusher,she´s faster pushing but you have more mobility, depends of your skill mostly, you have the advantage in globals, so use it, one of your most balanced match ups really
another split pusher and a dangerous one, one of the few champs who can split and become a problem the longer the game gets, try to kill him early with your jungler,still becomes a skillmatch up for the best splitpusher,remeber you have teh edge with the globals
same as irelia
another hard lane, because he has range, try to survive early and latter use your globlas and splitpushing, he has mobility so its harder to splitpush but you have the edge with globals
a little easier than panteon but she has insane mobility and chase potential,but is frail so its no good in tf,try to survive early and punish her if she overextends
a lane bully, your hardset early game lane of the game,try to kill him with your jungler, the longer the game the easier
or any other adc mostly, try to not die and teh split push becoems tricky because of her ultimate,but its frail and dont have dashes, only movement speed, focus on escaping if she comes to stop your split push and use the globlas to force her to take risk
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