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Alistar Build Guide by Takgu

Support Season 8 Alistar Cheese Guide: 60% More Active

Support Season 8 Alistar Cheese Guide: 60% More Active

Updated on December 28, 2017
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Takgu Build Guide By Takgu 6,554 Views 0 Comments
6,554 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Takgu Alistar Build Guide By Takgu Updated on December 28, 2017
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Hi I'm Takgu, a Diamond 4 currently in S8 preseason (S7 - Platinum 1) Alistar main.

This build is an option I try to use to give myself a more power early game and utility late game than the standard Resolve primary rune page. This guide is primarily a build-only guide and is under the belief that you have prior general knowledge of Alistar for his gameplay. I used this build actively (excluding Ingenious Hunter which would've made games easier most likely if I did take it) on my alt account "Fatty Fatty Boom" which placed Silver 2 in preseason and is now Platinum 3 in 75 games (which is still a lot).

Hope this helps you win games!

P.S. If there is any mistakes in the cooldown of items, feel free to notify me and I will change it. If requested, I can go into more depth about Alistar like other guides.
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Positives & Negatives


Higher early game damage.
Better vision for lane with Zombie Ward.
Active CD Reduction 60%. (When maxed Ingenious Hunter)
High defensive utility.


Loss of 130 Health from the Resolve tree.
Only 30% CDR unless you swap Mobility Boots with Turbo Chemtank.
Less tanky.
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Electrocute is overall the best keystone choice in this build because it gives you a stronger early game damage boost.

Cheap Shot is my choice for Malice over Sudden Impact because I like having the flat damage that will stay throughout the game even though it's small.

Zombie Ward is my choice for Tracking because it has the most potential on keeping bushes warded over Ghost Poro which only keeps one bush warded that disappears once an enemy walks in.

Ingenious Hunter. This build is Ingenious Hunter.

Font of Life works the best on Alistar due to the amount of CC he has.

Overgrowth and Second Wind are your two choices for Vitality. I would take Overgrowth in a lane that doesn't have as much poke and works well with this guide's item build and take Second Wind in a lane that has a lot of poke.
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The CD is taking in accord of having 60% Active CDR.

Face of the Mountain (24 second CD) & Ruby Sightstone: You would go this over Eye of the Equinox because this entire build is built around the passive from Ruby Sightstone and Ingenious Hunter.

Locket of the Iron Solari (46 second CD): A team-wide shield that helps keep your team alive.

Knight's Vow (46 second CD): Once your ADC dies, you should put use the active on your next strongest carry. By the time the next fight starts, the active should be up to put it back on your ADC.

Redemption (48 second CD): This both increases your shield power from Face of the Mountain and Locket of the Iron Solari, and will help survivability of your team in fights.

Gargoyle Stoneplate (46 second CD): The 6th item alternative of Mobility Boots when facing an engage team. This synchronizes well with Face of the Mountain and Locket of the Iron Solari due to it's active. You should always use Gargoyle Stoneplate as soon as the fight starts. By this point of the game, Mobility Boots isn't as useful because your team should be grouped up more than looking for picks and death timers are already long.

Turbo Chemtank (46 second CD): Another 6th item alternative of Mobility Boots when playing as an engage team. By this point of the game, Turbo Chemtank will benefit your entire team on their engage.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Takgu
Takgu Alistar Guide
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Season 8 Alistar Cheese Guide: 60% More Active

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