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Sejuani Build Guide by donatello

AP Offtank Sejuani Giants Belt Build

AP Offtank Sejuani Giants Belt Build

Updated on January 10, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author donatello Build Guide By donatello 1,978 Views 0 Comments
1,978 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author donatello Sejuani Build Guide By donatello Updated on January 10, 2013
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This is the ultimate Sejuani Build, which plays on the minds of the enemies with physical prowess as well as psychological advantage. By building 5 Giant's Belts, you are enabling yourself to be extremely powerful while staying very tanky. Health is what most summoners sees on their first judgement or perception of a champion, tankiness is a conception of armor, magic resist as well as health. However based on most judgements of tankiness, people will look at your health, or how many bars you have. The GB Build takes advantage to this and because of how strong Sejuani is already without the need of many AP items, it is extremely viable. Giant's belts are extremely versatile due to their ability to build into multiple tanky items, and by stacking Giant's belts, you are maximizing and utilizing Sejuani to her greatest strength.
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Giant's Belts After-Builds

If you have not won against the enemy team before you have already finished all 5 Giant's belts and you are ready to move on to another level of destruction, then you must build these items.

The most essential item is Sunfire's Cape, it suits Sejuani perfectly and stacks on the damage dealt by Sejuani's W, Northern Winds. Builds armor, health as well as damage, making Sejuani an incredibly strong tank.

The other essential item is Rylai's, it is the most perfect item for Sejuani. Sejuani already has many skills to slow her enemies, when Rylai's is built, she can slow even more, making every hit, and every spell seem like a stun from how slow her enemies are. Rylai's also gives AP which will increase Sejuani's damage.

In order to truly make the enemies immovable, Frozen Mallet is the way. Frozen Mallet gives Sejuani basic slow from her basic attacks and allows her to slow her enemies by double the amount. It also gives attack damage and health, which is essential to Sejuani.

The other items will provide tankiness, effectively creating a late-game Sejuani that is impossible to kill or escape.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author donatello
donatello Sejuani Guide
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Sejuani Giants Belt Build

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