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Seraphine Build Guide by TiltedKarina

Support Seraphine Guide - Dumbass girl that doesn't understand how to format pages

Support Seraphine Guide - Dumbass girl that doesn't understand how to format pages

Updated on May 22, 2022
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League of Legends Build Guide Author TiltedKarina Build Guide By TiltedKarina 1,802 Views 0 Comments
1,802 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author TiltedKarina Seraphine Build Guide By TiltedKarina Updated on May 22, 2022
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1 2
Glacial Augment
Magical Footwear
Future's Market
Cosmic Insight

Treasure Hunter
Eyeball Collection

+8 Ability Haste
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2 3
Exhaust + Flash
LoL Summoner Spell: Exhaust


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


Champion Build Guide

Seraphine Guide - Dumbass girl that doesn't understand how to format pages

By TiltedKarina
Make sure to read it before reading!
Seraphine is one of the worst supports in the game right know. If we check her stats in U.GG, we can see that in EUW (The region where I play) she has 44.58% Winrate in Master+.


At the moment she is extremely underwhelming:

- Has little to no damage -> all mages and most of the enchanters will out-damage her. Even with a full combo and the help of your adc you will not always kill the enemy laner.
- Long cooldowns -> her W has 28 seconds cooldown level one and her R has 160 seconds. Strong abilities must have a long cooldown. It's fine to have such a cooldown for her W, but if you miss your R, you won't be able to use it for almost 3 minutes. That's too much in my opinion, since other strong abilities have a much shorter cooldown in comparison to Seraphine.
- Slow skillshots -> Seraphine has a long range but it's nerfed by the speed of the abilities: they are all pretty easy to dodge, making her pretty unrealible, especially in a meta where 99% of the champion have good mobility. Rylai's Crystal Scepter tries to fix this problem.
- Little mana regeneration and huge mana costs -> That's probably the thing I hate the most. With Spellthief's Edge she will only have a 2.4 Mana Regeneration. All the other Enchanters and Mages have a better Mana Renegeration, exception being Lux (My other main btw). Since we're not using runes like Manaflow Band, the early game will be even more difficult if you don't manage your mana correctly.
- Needs items to spike as soon as possible -> In order for Seraphine to become a "ok-ish" she needs at least two items: Rylai's Crystal Scepter and Moonstone Renewer. They cost a lot for a support and you have to get as much gold as possible to buy them as soon as possible. Most of the runes will be "gold-based": you will use them to get early gold to spike as soon as possible.

Rylai's Crystal Scepter is the first item you want to buy: it allows you to root an enemy hitting him with only one E. Since the enemy will be rooted, you are sure that you won't miss your entire combo. Glacial Augment works extremely well with Rylai's Crystal Scepter because you can slow multiple enemy if they are closer enough and it's a cheaper version of Exhaust, reducing the enemy damage by 15% againt your allies.

However, it synergises so well with Seraphine because of the double cast: You can save it for your W, providing your allies with a strong shield and a decent heal based on % missing health. Without Rylai's Crystal Scepter you must make a choice: use your doublecast to root the enemy and hit your combo or save the doublecast for your W. If you save it for your W, you won't root the enemy and they can escape from your combo (R and Q).

Moonstone Renewer is the other core item. It can increase your Shield and Heal power up to 30%, making your shield and heal the strongest of the game.

With those two items you will have the best of both worlds: strong cc and strong heal and shield. However, you have to buy them. You need a total of 4100 gold to get both of them, and sometimes it's not that easy to buy them early. Furthermore, you're sacrificing part of your early game to become a beast in the lategame. So you have to know how to play correctly during the early game to not **** up and lose the game.

I personally think this is the best way to play Seraphine, Aery and Guardian aren't the best choices for Seraphine, but this will be discussed later.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author TiltedKarina
TiltedKarina Seraphine Guide
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