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Seraphine Build Guide by FinityFanfictions

Jungle Sera's World Tour

Jungle Sera's World Tour

Updated on October 17, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author FinityFanfictions Build Guide By FinityFanfictions 4,742 Views 0 Comments
4,742 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author FinityFanfictions Seraphine Build Guide By FinityFanfictions Updated on October 17, 2024
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Runes: Snip Snap Jungle Attack!!!

1 2
Legend: Alacrity
Cut Down

Gathering Storm

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health


U R A Jungler
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

Sera's World Tour

By FinityFanfictions
Hello my name is Fintiy Fanfictions, I am a small streamer, low-elo, Seraphine main, with a high pasion for taking her into jungle. I have always been a Sera player since I rejoined League of Legends and have always taken her places that wasnt support.

So you Sera-mains might now be asking... Why Seraphine Jungle???

Seraphine-JG may seem like a troll pick/build and you are right to believe so but she can actually become very OP late game with her crowd control ability and her great AP-scaling. She is be VERY weak early and has a slow clear rate in the beginning but that is why you slightly build for a power spike. I have played this over 100's of games perfectly crafting my work, getting opinions from other local Sera players, and I can say out of all the items and runes I have tried these two have been the most consistent one. Give it a go! If you dare!~


So the runes I usally take are based on the Conqueror Build that Cocoabob and Odi have created with butting my own few tweaks and adjustments to it.

The ones I use the most are the 'Snip Snap JG Attack'
The 'May All Your Beats Burn' build is great but the 'Snip Snap' has more consistancy through all updates and item changes.

Lane Phase

When you start the game you always wantto try and see if you can get blue first. If you cannot get blue soul first the go where you will get a leash.

Always take a pot with you when you leave spawn, you never know when you might need it. Sell it if it starts to take up item space but always try to have one in the early game.
After you do a full clear always and I mean ALWAYS try to get aleast 1 scuttler.
Money is key. You want to get 'Lost Chapters' at first back.
When ganking you always want to play in the back lines of you allies especially when you are setting up for an ULT Play.
While farming you want to try and play safe always try to look for where your enemy jungler is. If they're bot try to gank top or mid. But if you are confident enough that you can help bit go for it!


Now when it comes to Dragons these are the top reasons why I will grab some over the others.

Infernal: AP/AD
(A++: for Sera JG)

Hextech: YES YES 100% MADE FOR HER CHEFS KISS!!! The attack speed PLUS ability haste!? Its everythig she NEEDS

Chem: Great dragon to pair with that Ocean Drake. The heal ands sheild perstacks is amazing and I would never try and skip it.
(A must have!)

Ocean: Help restores health whats not to love.
(A-: I would still take it so the enemy team dosent have it)

Mountain: Ok so it really depends. I dont uaually take mountain unless my team REALLY needs it.The armor would be good for Sera is there is alot of Tanks ot bullies. If not its usally a skip for me.
(B Its your choice.)

Cloud: I used to think it was great for her but not really. Maybe the out of combat speed but... Not Really
(C-- for Seraphine. But grab it if it works for your team!)


Try to grab some at least

3 is good
If you would like to see me in action here is a link to my Seraphine JG video that I made it patch 14.17

Video: Seraphine World Tour!!!
Thanks for reading!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author FinityFanfictions
FinityFanfictions Seraphine Guide
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Sera's World Tour

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