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Recommended Items
Runes: Normal Runes
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order Mega one shot
Pit Grit (PASSIVE)
Sett Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Tahm Kench
THIS IS A EXTREMELY HARD MATCH UP!!! Due to the rise of top Tahm, would recommend just banning this out.
If your team has a mid kayle, go sett. Her ult paired with you is beyond amazing.
If your team has a mid kayle, go sett. Her ult paired with you is beyond amazing.
Champion Build Guide
When you first come to lane, hide in the middle bush. If its a melee champion, that you 100% know you can duel early, than you will win. Get that early gold in the bag than push waves to enemy tower (if enemy doesn't have tp) and back if you are low. If you are full HP I wouldn't recommend this due to the fact it can put you behind and you always want to have enough for a early vampiric scepter. If you are behind, a long sword and a refillable pot is always the best way to go.
If enemy is hiding under tower
The best thing to do in this case is to set up a freeze in lane. Sett is amazing at setting these up, and if done correctly you can build a large enough wave up to tower dive. I wouldn't recommend tower diving unless the enemy is at least half HP. You will die if you try to dive a full HP target.
When you go in for the tower dive, the combo is E, auto, Q, W, ignite. This should wipe someone out easily and if not than ignite should finish them off. Worse case, it will push them out of lane for those sweet tower plates.
I will say this once and will say it forever. When you get a lead top lane, keep it. Leaving lane and trying to help your team is what will put you behind. Stay top and if the enemy top laner goes to drake, don't follow. Get tower and if enemy JG camps are up, pick those up. Now with this being said, I would recommend going for the 3rd drake. Unless your team is beyond fed, than go. You don't want to put the enemy on soul point. But also there's a grey side to this because you also don't want to coinflip fights, causing you to give your shut down gold. I'll explain a bit more on coinflip fights below.
Now this part you might start looking at herald and looking at other lanes. The best thing to do is to tell your botlane to go top. Get herald and send it bot. Take tower than if the enemy jungle is top, take the enemies camps. Always stay farming, don't ever stop. Keep pushing! Don't group for fights unless it's for extremely important objectives like ( Elder Drake and Baron.) Besides that STAY SPLIT PUSHING!!!
At this point, if you are beyond fed, than GG. I'm not sure why the enemy team hasn't FFed yet, but do not grow a ego. I've seen so many Sett's start to ego and they blow their lead in a instant. NO YOU CAN NOT 1V5!! Unless you extremely outplay them, the best bet is to back off and wait for the team. If you can't then try to prolong your death. Wasting time can help your team! If you 100% know you can't survive than ping for your team to go get baron while you blow everything to waste as much time as you can. Trust me it's worth to do.
As someone who has 150k mastery on Sett with a pretty decent WR, I can say that the build I stick to is possibly one of the better ones.
Sett is possibly one of the best toplaners right now and I don't see people using him properly.
PLEASE VOTE AND FAVORITE IF IT HELPED AT ALL!! It will always be updating in the patches to come!
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