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Shen Build Guide by SchlottMachine

Assassin Shen: The Hybrid Ninja Assassin

Assassin Shen: The Hybrid Ninja Assassin

Updated on July 25, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author SchlottMachine Build Guide By SchlottMachine 4,217 Views 0 Comments
4,217 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author SchlottMachine Shen Build Guide By SchlottMachine Updated on July 25, 2013
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Welcome to my Hybrid Assassin Shen guide. This is my first guide so please give any help possible. This is an unusual build, but I've found it quite fun and viable.
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During the early laning phase, be cautious of early ganks and freeze the lane to avoid giving up first blood. If you are confident push as your dash and flash will help with escaping. I like to stand on the other side of my minions and harass while last hitting to deny my laning opponent cs and xp. Be careful incase the enemy junglier comes to gank and has hard cc.
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Pros / Cons

-Extremely fun
-Can do tons of damage while staying alive in team fights
-Thornmail synergizes greatly with your taunt
-Is underestimated by opponents

-Not as bursty as Kha'zix or Rengar
-Not to much HP
-Must have a tanky junglier or support on the team to tank in fights
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Unique Skills

Thornmail seems to be frowned upon by people who think it is "nooby." However, Thornmail works well with your taunt and allows you easier damage output on the opponent. Use the passive of Thornmail to your advantage.
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Although this build may seem bizarre, I've found it works quite well. You can use your ult to spilt push and teleport in on your carry as they join the fight to shield them and also get across the map from your spilt pushing. Vorpal Blade is excellent for putting the final blows on people. I don't recommend initiating but you can still do it. You wont be able to 1 shot people like Kha'zix but focus the high priority and make sure to taunt them. Don't be afraid to clean up the enemy team and secure kills [k(ill)s(ecured)]. Please leave your opinions and anything else to help me improve my guides.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author SchlottMachine
SchlottMachine Shen Guide
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Shen: The Hybrid Ninja Assassin

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