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Katarina Build Guide by Axelote

Middle Short way to Challenger with Katarina Season 10

Middle Short way to Challenger with Katarina Season 10

Updated on June 10, 2020
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Axelote Build Guide By Axelote 61 2 162,473 Views 10 Comments
61 2 162,473 Views 10 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Axelote Katarina Build Guide By Axelote Updated on June 10, 2020
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1 2
Legend: Tenacity
Last Stand

Taste of Blood
Ravenous Hunter

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

Short way to Challenger with Katarina Season 10

By Axelote
Hi, my name is Axelote, I've been playing league since 2012, I am midlaner since the beggining, and I fell in love with Katarina after her rework. I've been mastering her for 3 years, reaching challenger with Kata and Ryze in 2017. Now I am in Master Tier.
I started streaming League of Legends in 2018 to share my knowledge and meet people. Make sure you follow my channel on Twitch to learn how to play Katarina. <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Thanks for reading <3 <3
Why Katarina?
Here are 2 highlights from my streams, Find the answer!
Remember to subscribe the channel. Don't miss anything!
- Insane AoE damage
- No mana
- You can escape from every uncomfortable situation
- Very powerful snowball
- 1 item power spike
- Ridiculously high mobility
- Powerful level 2/3
- Satisfying gameplay
Easily tamed by chain CC.
You have to put effort and devote some time to master this champ
You have no match up that puts you ahead by default. You have to earn your advantage.
Kata's Combos
Remember that your E is cancelling auto attacks so first combo you need to learn is:
Auto attack - E - Auto attack
Level 2 combo :
Q - E - AA

Level 3 combo :
Q - E - AA - W - E - AA

Lvl 3 combo #2
E - W - AA - Q - E - AA

Full combo :
Q - Gunblade - E - AA - W - R - E - AA

Full combo#2
E - Gunblade - W - Q - R - E - AA

Wall jumps, jungler camp, and fruit jumps

Kassadin - Katarina's nightmare, how to face him!
#1 Kassadin
Start with a Long Sword and 3 potions. At level 1 first let him push a little bit, because you won't be able to kill him under his turret. You must get level 2 faster than him, and if he is in range, use AA(auto attack) - Q - AA- E - AA ignite - AA- E - AA, (just look how many auto attacks you can hit, don't forget about them). He should be dead after this combo.
Go back to base (don't forget to push the wave, and let your wave be crashed by enemy turret)
After recall, buy a second Long Sword and a Dark Seal if possible, and you should win this lane easily.
Hope you guys found this helpful.

Thanks for reading!

Check me out on twitch livestream if you want to see me playing as Katarina on live and ask me some questions,
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Axelote
Axelote Katarina Guide
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Short way to Challenger with Katarina Season 10

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