SHROOMO 1970 [25.S1.1 UPDATED] - Return to the Jungle (HIGH AP/AH MANIAC BUILD)

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Recommended Items
Runes: M14 Mine (More Procs)
+8 Ability Haste
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health
Threats & Synergies
He just.. goes through the wall. All your good hard mine work, shot to hell.
Support this warrior. If you want to get technical, yes, an enchanter might be better overall for Twitch. Let me set this up for you though. You're full health, farming in bot lane. Out of nowhere, a vial of literal sewage is thrown at you and a sort of rat thing begins turning you into soured Swiss cheese. No problem! He's alone, and your support will simply CC him and you will move in for the kill. What an idiot, right? As you move to attack the rat, you realize: 1. You have 300 remaining health, and dropping FAST 2. Your attacks are flying harmlessly past the rat 3. You are being SLOWED BY SOMETHING 4. TWITCH IS NO LONGER CC'D OH GOD OH F And now you're playing gray screen simulator for the sixth time this laning phase (many such cases). If I had this happen to me, I would probably rip my teeth out with needlenose pliers. I've never had this happen to me though, because my enemies want to pick boring "META" shit. Get real. Apply poison not just to their champion, but to their mental state.
Support this warrior. If you want to get technical, yes, an enchanter might be better overall for Twitch. Let me set this up for you though. You're full health, farming in bot lane. Out of nowhere, a vial of literal sewage is thrown at you and a sort of rat thing begins turning you into soured Swiss cheese. No problem! He's alone, and your support will simply CC him and you will move in for the kill. What an idiot, right? As you move to attack the rat, you realize: 1. You have 300 remaining health, and dropping FAST 2. Your attacks are flying harmlessly past the rat 3. You are being SLOWED BY SOMETHING 4. TWITCH IS NO LONGER CC'D OH GOD OH F And now you're playing gray screen simulator for the sixth time this laning phase (many such cases). If I had this happen to me, I would probably rip my teeth out with needlenose pliers. I've never had this happen to me though, because my enemies want to pick boring "META" shit. Get real. Apply poison not just to their champion, but to their mental state.
Champion Build Guide
I offer you a choice. A choice between mediocrity and standard practice, or something more, something beyond the typical. I offer you... Shroomo.
Shroomo is a build that has spanned over two seasons of League of Legends, with various changes in both the practice and product, but with the same core concepts at play to create an experience like no other.
Imagine, if you will, a base or a lane. Undefended, with luscious minions, towers, and inhibitors ripe for the picking. This is what your enemy will see. You, however, will see something entirely different- you will see a field of death, a valley of destruction from which your enemies will be forever bound once they enter. You lie in wait for the right moment to strike.
Quiet. Then, the familiar click, the first note of your deadly orchestra ringing out into the silence. Fear, pain, you see them all flash through
the enemy who sprung your trap. You feel nothing. As they turn to face you, it's far too late, their fate is sealed.

They try to crawl away, desperately crying out for their allies, reaching blindly for anything that would quell your assault, but they will find no such comfort, for no light can permeate the darkness you have set them in but the fire which surrounds them.
You stare into their eyes.
For a moment, panic.
Then, silence.
This is Shroomo. This is the feeling of watching them as they run helplessly from death- stalking them as they take tick after tick of damage before you strike at their most vulnerable moment. Do you think playing Fiddlesticks or Shaco holds a candle to the feeling of sitting BEHIND the enemy bot lane as they get chunked for half their health bar by a Shroom they CAN'T SEE, and then INSTANTLY EXECUTING the ADC with a SINGLE Q?
No. It never has for me, because in my enemies' final moments, I don't want to be chasing after them, reaching at them to drag them unwillingly to their death. What I want is for them to feel their mistakes crawl under their skin as they helplessly swing their weapon at me in the hopes that they can connect and perhaps turn around the "fight".
This helplessness, this fear.
THIS is Shroomo.
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I've done some calculations. Between 0-1000 AP, at 30 souls (a reasonable quantity),
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While ![]() |
Arcane Comet at max rank will be available over 560% SOONER than DH at EIGHT SECONDS. It's not uncommon for an enemy to eat a shroom, retreat after taking a comet shot, and then get hit with another after stepping on the next shroom. Given the Shroomo stats listed(30 souls, level 18) and the double proc situation, Comet begins to outperform DH at 439 AP, a LOW bar for the AP you should have mid to late game, and it will JUST. KEEP. ACTIVATING. One of the main problems with Comet is that since it has a travel arc rather than simply damaging the enemy, abilities with no soft cc (like the Q) have a chance to not hit with Comet. Shrooms nullify this downside. |
The remainder of the runes are simple enough-

For stat runes, Haste and KILLING POWER are recommended, with the third being matchup-dependent (MR vs AP, Armor vs AD).
No, I'm dead serious.
Early Lane
During laning phase, you will lack a solid base of AP and

You can do this actively by using the base damage from a high level

You can also apply lane pressure passively passively (by zoning off the enemy from both bushes and entire sections of the lane). Though damage and crowd control options are limited before

Of course, once you hit level six, you're not the only

Late Game
Late-game Shroomo is a force to be reckoned with. With good use of

Defensively, as seen on the right, lanes can be locked off. A single high-damage shroom can melt multiple minion waves, stumping entire pushes. Unless enemies are willing to spend their precious ![]() Offensively, objectives and team members can be locked off. By shrooming the enemy jungle at choke points, you will at worst delay and get vision of the enemy, and at best take one or more enemy team members out of the fight and force a retreat. This preventative measure can open up opportunities for junglers to solo objectives uncontested. |
A Note
With the addition of

Hi! Thanks for viewing my guide! If you're here, you scrolled all the way down! I hope you enjoyed it and that you'll try it out sometime, I think you'll enjoy it. If you have any suggestions or recommendations, please let me know.
Another Note
This build is still under construction. Always.
Shroomo is an homage to

However, when the tear item changes rolled out this season, I was heartbroken. I thought the playstyle would join others as a relic. Then, I saw the light- I would adapt the build, take the fact that tear was no longer a required component, and path outwards to find what items could fit the playstyle rather than centering the playstyle around the items. Shroomo was back, and although the shroom rate was slightly lower, the utility overall was massively increased.
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