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Fleet of Foot (PASSIVE)
Sivir Passive Ability
Introduction: Sivir, The Battle Mistress
As Sivir's attacks focus all on AD, but heavily drains Mana, I take x9 Greater Glyph of Mana,x9 Greater Seal of Mana Regeneration,x9 Greater Mark of Attack Damage and x3 Greater Quintessence of Mana. These runes make up for her weakness,Mana usage, while still managing to give Sivir an AD boost.
As for Masteries, I go for 22-8-0,unlike the usual 21-9-0 masteries setup. With this 22-8-0 setup, Sivir pushes tower, dealing 5% more damage while increasing her base AD and Critical Strike stats. However, this 22-8-0 focuses on Offense the most, to buff up Sivir's AD stat a tad bit faster, a better 21-9-0 is to include SafeGuard, which reduces turret damage by 5%. While 5% might not seem much, it can determine life and death when pushing a tower. Who knows, that 5% more damage might help you take the tower down 1 attack earlier, saving you.
For that high AD stat, I always build Bloodthirster first. Bloodthirster gives 70 Attack Damage,same as Infinity Edge,but with the Life Steal bonus instead of Critical Strike bonus. Bloodthirster works well in tandem with Sivir as Sivir's Boomerang Blade and Ricochet can clear out minion waves fast enough to gain stacks for Bloodthirster's passive bonuses to add up. The Life Steal helps to sustain Sivir during solo mid-lane so when I end up solo mid, actually any lane at all, my first build will be Bloodthirster.
With Sivir's attacks draining Mana fast, Muramana might be a good second item to build for. It gives 4 bonus Mana for every auto-attack,ability or item damage when it is still Manamune and when the total Mana bonus reaches 750, it transforms into Muramana for free. Another advantage of Muramana is that other than the 1000 mana that it gives and 20 Attack Damage, it gives bonus Attack Damage equal to 2% of your maximum Mana. This means that this item itself gives 40 Attack Damage. And that is not counting your own Mana.
After this 2 builds comes situation build. If your team is rushing to win, building a Infinity Edge or another Bloodthirster gives high Attack Damage stats. If you are forced onto a defending or stalling position, you can try building Blade of the Ruined King to stay in the game longer.
Luxury items that I like to build is Hextech Gunblade. Since Boomerang Blade gains bonus damage from both AD and AP(although more heavily on AD), Hextech Gunblade not only gives bonus to both AD and AP, but also Life Steal and Spell Vamp. Another luxury item that I build when I muster enough gold is Statikk Shiv. C'mon, you gotta admit that electric shock attack once in a while is pretty cool while dealing extra damage.
With Sivir's attacks draining Mana fast, Muramana might be a good second item to build for. It gives 4 bonus Mana for every auto-attack,ability or item damage when it is still Manamune and when the total Mana bonus reaches 750, it transforms into Muramana for free. Another advantage of Muramana is that other than the 1000 mana that it gives and 20 Attack Damage, it gives bonus Attack Damage equal to 2% of your maximum Mana. This means that this item itself gives 40 Attack Damage. And that is not counting your own Mana.
After this 2 builds comes situation build. If your team is rushing to win, building a Infinity Edge or another Bloodthirster gives high Attack Damage stats. If you are forced onto a defending or stalling position, you can try building Blade of the Ruined King to stay in the game longer.
Luxury items that I like to build is Hextech Gunblade. Since Boomerang Blade gains bonus damage from both AD and AP(although more heavily on AD), Hextech Gunblade not only gives bonus to both AD and AP, but also Life Steal and Spell Vamp. Another luxury item that I build when I muster enough gold is Statikk Shiv. C'mon, you gotta admit that electric shock attack once in a while is pretty cool while dealing extra damage.
As Sivir is a pusher, there is no use if you cannot get to the battle in time. That's why I always prep Teleport to get to the frontlines quick.
Another good spell to consider is Ignite. Sivir's attacks are long-ranged, probably with Ricochet able to chase down escaping champions when bouncing from minions to them. However, sometimes the 4 times rebound cannot catch up. Hence I like to use Ignite at this time.Watching them running away trying to heal then dying with the sad realization that they cannot Recall back in time.I am so evil.
Finally, we have to consider Flash, it allows you to get away from situations if you know how to use it. Most of you have seen videos of people flashing at the right time to trick the opponent and to get a major gap between them. Those are results of good planning and timing on the player's part, and sometimes a little luck.
Another good spell to consider is Ignite. Sivir's attacks are long-ranged, probably with Ricochet able to chase down escaping champions when bouncing from minions to them. However, sometimes the 4 times rebound cannot catch up. Hence I like to use Ignite at this time.Watching them running away trying to heal then dying with the sad realization that they cannot Recall back in time.I am so evil.
Finally, we have to consider Flash, it allows you to get away from situations if you know how to use it. Most of you have seen videos of people flashing at the right time to trick the opponent and to get a major gap between them. Those are results of good planning and timing on the player's part, and sometimes a little luck.
Before you decide to go all " Yay! Sivir is so good! I'm going to play her definitely later!" or "She sucks with high Mana consumption. I will never use her.", here is a table of pros and cons that you can consider.
Pros: Sivircan deal massive amounts of damage. She also clears out minion waves in a matter of seconds. Her Spell Shield also allows her to get Mana on the go. Cooldown of her skills are not long even in first few levels.
Cons: Sivir's attacks all cost high amounts of Mana and her highest damaging skill, Boomerang Blade,requires some experience in order to fully utilize it.
Pros: Sivircan deal massive amounts of damage. She also clears out minion waves in a matter of seconds. Her Spell Shield also allows her to get Mana on the go. Cooldown of her skills are not long even in first few levels.
Cons: Sivir's attacks all cost high amounts of Mana and her highest damaging skill, Boomerang Blade,requires some experience in order to fully utilize it.
Sivir is a champion that is not very hard to play,you just have to get used to her. Some of her stats that needs to be watched is Attack Damage, Cooldown Reduction as you are a pusher, Attack Speed for dealing out damage quick. Her HP is not as high as many other champions but with high Attack Damage it can be a good trdeoff. I'm ReaperZone and please thumbs up if you like my guide.
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