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Skarner Build Guide by Monora

Skarner, Cho'Gaths lost brother

Skarner, Cho'Gaths lost brother

Updated on August 12, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Monora Build Guide By Monora 2,074 Views 0 Comments
2,074 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Monora Skarner Build Guide By Monora Updated on August 12, 2011
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  • LoL Champion: Skarner
  • LoL Champion: Skarner


Welcome to my second guide here on MOBAfire, Skarner, Cho'Gaths lost brother.

WARNING! Short "guide" inbound!

Skarner in my opinion is a mediocre champion, that requires some items to really shine. Most notably Sheen/Trinity Force since you will be spamming your Q alot.

I copied my masteries from Phreak and I found them useful. You are rather squishy early and youll need that dmg reduction+hp from Masteries for jungling.

I play him as a jungler, obviously, and atleast in my opinion hes ganks arent as good as I would have hoped for.

I will try to keep this up to date as well as I can, hope you like it.
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Pros and Cons.

- Decent DPS
- Decent jungle speed
- A good CC that will be used alot!
- Amazing passive atleast in my opinion.

- Rather squishy early
- Focused easily
- Not so strong ganks
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One might ask why I take Guinsoos and Gunblade so late into the game, once youve obtained youre core, which is: Mercury Boots, Trinity Force and Sunfury Cape. I will pick these 99% of the time on games. After that I pick what is needed. If DPS, then Hextech Gunblade and Guinsoo's Rageblade Are your friends. If you need to be tanky then pick according to the highest threats.

Solo top.
Nothing much to say here, choose according to what your team needs and whatnot. Once you have your core, Mercury Boots, Trinity Force and Hextech Gunblade, choose according to what your team needs. You have all the DPS you need right here, but anything extra is nice too, no?
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Summoner Spells

My picks.
Set 1:
Flash - Great for going into the midst of the fight, or getting out if needed. I also am a Flash junkie, I use it on any other champ but Nasus and Ezreal...
Smite - Nothing to say here.

Set 2:
Flash - Same as above.
Exhaust - Your an amazing CC monster now. You got slows, a stun, you can drag them around..And then Exhaust their ***es. What else do you need?

Other good ones.
Ghost - A great MS addition to your W, and whatnot. Its an amazing spell, but I still prefer Flash over it.
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Jungle Skarner, Set 1

This ones pretty straight forward. Use the big golem route, wolf route or the double golems route. Anything works, but I find the big golem best. Start by killing the big wolf and run to the golem, tell your mid to pull it. You should be able to gank decently after your first clear in the jungle.
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Solo top Skarner, Set 2

Solo Top.
Now this is where it gets fun. You have an absorb shield, that increases your movement speed. Your Shattered Earth lets you push like a maniac if you want to. Your Ixtal's Impactheals you, and your ultimate is the optimal suppression for a gank; pull that mo***a away from the tower for your jungler to finish, simple.

I like to start with a Sapphire Crystal for the added mana so I can spam my abilities more, going for boots next and then straight to Sheen. Works like a dream!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Monora
Monora Skarner Guide
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Skarner, Cho'Gaths lost brother

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