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Skarner Build Guide by BloodyAssassin

AP Offtank Skarner, the Scorpion

AP Offtank Skarner, the Scorpion

Updated on January 24, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author BloodyAssassin Build Guide By BloodyAssassin 1,686 Views 0 Comments
1,686 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author BloodyAssassin Skarner Build Guide By BloodyAssassin Updated on January 24, 2013
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So here is my second Build for a great Champion of the League. It is for Skarner.

Skarner is in my opinion one of the best Jungler in the League.

His Ultimate Abilitie is a great Way to open teamfights, and his W is great to tank towers and to do much damage.

I hope the Guide can help you to master Skarner the Scorpion in the Jungle :D
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Pros / Cons


Great Ultimate to open Teamfights
Very Nice W to tank Towers, Dragon and Baron
Your E is very nice for Teamfights, too, then all signed enemy Champions get more Damage when they get attacked.


Not that fast Champion without his W
Very squishy at the beginning of the game
His sting causes an ugly death
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Introduction of his Abilities



Each basic attack reduces Skarner's ability cooldowns by 0.5 seconds. The effect is doubled when attacking enemy Champions. Attacking turrets will not trigger Energize.


Crystal Slash

Active: Skarner damages all enemies within range. If he hits any enemies, using Crystal Slash again within 5 seconds deals bonus magic damage and slows all enemies hit for 2 seconds.


Crystalline Exoskeleton

Active: Skarner gains a shield that absorbs a certain amount of damage. The shield dissipates after 6 seconds if not already destroyed. While the shield is active, Skarner gains increased movement speed and attack speed.



Active: Skarner damages all enemies in a line and marks them for 6 seconds.

If Skarner damages a marked target (consuming the mark) or Fracture kills an enemy, Skarner heals himself. Each heal after the first heals half of the previous trigger until Fracture is used again.



Active: Skarner suppresses target enemy champion for 1.75 seconds, damaging the target. For the duration, Skarner can move freely and will drag his victim around with him. At the end of the duration, the target takes the same damage again.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author BloodyAssassin
BloodyAssassin Skarner Guide
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Skarner, the Scorpion

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