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Pantheon Build Guide by xomwebz

AD Offtank Solo Panth

AD Offtank Solo Panth

Updated on January 4, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author xomwebz Build Guide By xomwebz 2,274 Views 0 Comments
2,274 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author xomwebz Pantheon Build Guide By xomwebz Updated on January 4, 2013
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I'll start out with people say panth is not a good solo top and gets countered by everyone easily but i play him solo top and win lane 90% of the time.
Because people say he is a bad solo im making this for anyone who does or wants to play him solo top.
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Building these items is pretty straight forward just at the end you are to sell wriggles for a blood thirster unless wriggles is playing a majour role for you team such as saving a lee sin on your team for exsample.
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With my solo panth I play 25 0 5 taking all the damage boosts in offence and mana regen and movement in utility so i can chase a little faster and regen mana quicker for in lane because panth does use alot of mana if you spam too much
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Eairly Game

As a pantheon you want your Q maxed first this is due to it stays at 45 mana all the way though and deals alot of damage to the other teams solo top when you do get a pickaxe.
In the eairly game you want to play passive agressive straight away you want to be poking them forcing them away from the minions but being defencive till you get your stun at least.
When poking with your Q make sure you dont drop below half mana if you get ganked without enough mana you will fall at the start of the game and be playing catch up.
You will want to ignore the minions untill the very last basic attack just to freeze the lane as much as possible to prevent being ganked so easily.
Once you hit level 3 most times they will be on much lower health than you if you done your poking you want to either taunt them into jumping onto you first then Q E and basic attack them (throw Q at every time you can in this fight) if you do start losing stun them and run or if they try to run stun them (if you need to exhaste them) and finish them off.
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Pros / Cons

Good poke
very good single target damage
Gets tanky
good mobitity

high mana consumtion
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Team Work

If a team fight breaks out and you are not there use your ulti on as many of them as possible without putting youself in a position to leave you out of position(during this ulti stun the one you really want to kill on your way down) focus the one you stun with a E trying to hit anyone else you can within your focus and Q is your best friend if they are running still.
When the team fight is finishing and your team is chasing down the last few and you still have your ulti just ahead of them where you think they will run back to and cut them off and secure your team one kill at least.

(when it comes down the champions that disapear such as akali your E and hydra can deal alot of damage which can potenitally give you a kill)
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Following this guide you should come out as a counter to champions as such as jax, nasus, darius and many others feed up nicely and feed up your other lanes.

I hope this guide has helped any of you who enjoy panth solo top :)
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League of Legends Build Guide Author xomwebz
xomwebz Pantheon Guide
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Solo Panth

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