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Sona Build Guide by d3kker

Support Sona a painfull support

Support Sona a painfull support

Updated on May 18, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author d3kker Build Guide By d3kker 1,714 Views 0 Comments
1,714 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author d3kker Sona Build Guide By d3kker Updated on May 18, 2013
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Where to start, Where to start.
Ok, first things first.
Sight Ward Sight Ward Sight Ward
for warding where there is this great guide -->LINK LINK LINK
So ward's are placed.
Now i play almost only support.
And this is my first guide so take it easy.
I don't like to read/type :P so its a simple fast reading guide.
I don't go in to deep in to stuff.
You always can chance the builds don't hold to close on it.
Btw i try to make a good guide with not to big text page's (i know you want to play ;)
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About support play.

1) I never rage on the chat.
2) If people are flaming/raging let them. and after there done ask them to stop and get back to
(Don't do it when there are still in rage modus.)
3) After every creep hit my adc make i look on the map.
4) Sight Ward
5) ping, type ss(1,2), mia, re(1,2) if you see that mid is missing Ping/type for them to.
6) Ping For enemy Sight Ward (for the jungler)
7) Protect your ADC
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This is what i like/use:


Fleet Footwork
Phase Rush
Greater Mark of Armor
Greater Seal of Armor
I like that i have just some more substance when i get poked/grabbed.
It makes you just a little more tanky.
Greater Glyph of Magic Resist
For later game against midlaners
Greater Quintessence of Gold
more gold, more wards/items
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Now about my mastery's:
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Pros / Cons

Long substance in lane.
A lot of damage.
A lot of heal.

Taking/att. on minions,
or kill stealing when you don't want to.
(use your S button a lot)
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all those items are for the support, so don't go to deep in to it
and alway look for other items to help your team.
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the last chapter.

If you have questions/ notes / chances anything else
and if i type englirch yeh i Dutch so tell me i will correct it :D

ingame name: d3kker
or mail:
or reddit: d3kker
i hope you like this guide
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League of Legends Build Guide Author d3kker
d3kker Sona Guide
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Sona a painfull support

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