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Sona Build Guide by Sarajha

Support Sona, The tanky Way of Support

Support Sona, The tanky Way of Support

Updated on August 7, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Sarajha Build Guide By Sarajha 17,331 Views 12 Comments
17,331 Views 12 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Sarajha Sona Build Guide By Sarajha Updated on August 7, 2013
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Hello, i want to intoduce to you my Sona Build, which i enjoy to play.

I know it`s alot different to other Builds , but it really works fine for me, so just test it in a normal game or a training Game and i think you will be suprised what Sona is capable of, when you build her that way.
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As you can see, my Runes are completely differnt to other Builds. And YES you lose a bit of earlygame Damage, while playing this way, but you are way more Tank than most Leona, Blitz or Taric Supports, while doing still more dmg than they do.

The % HP Runes give you a really good starting sustain in Earlygame and in Combination with Ruby Crystal + Defensive Masteries you Start on 780 HP, what is awesome.
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The Masteries, are different too ^.^

As you can see I Skill HP and Armor + 1,5% more HP this synergyses with the Runes and the Ruby Crystal pretty well.

At the Utilitylane maybe you will miss the " 1 Minute Ward", which is (in my opionion) a wasted Point, because it doesn`t really help you. If the Enemy Jungler didn`t Gank within the first 1 Minute you put it on Triebush and it will fade without haveing a use at this Time.

The starting Gold from the Utility Lane is nessesary to buy a Ruby Crystal on start and getting a Ward too.
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Okay here we go, items are the most discussionarable things on every Build, so i just try to explain WHY i buy this, that way and WHY i take these Items.

Starting with Ruby Crystal -> Synergy with %HP and you start with 780 HP
you will have to WAIT a short time before you can buy THE ONLY WARD you`ll have at the beginning.

But if you start TOP on the Map, your ADC will mostly help the Jungler with Blue so you are with him at Bot when he is there too. (You could place the Ward next to the Dragon at the middle of the River at 2:11)

If you start on Bottum of the Map you maybe miss the first 2-3 minion xp, which is not that much.

Since you only got 1 Ward at start you have to be pacient of Ganks from Triebush, just dont push too hard on the Lane early will help alot for not beeing ganked.


if you got an assist already you should not have a Problem to buy Slightstone now, if not ... ask your ADC if you can take 2-3 Lasthits to get the Money you need.

While you have Slightstone that early, you will see that you need alot lesser Money for Wards than normal AND you can stay longer in Lane without porting Back to buy new ones.

After Slightstone you buy Philosopher ASAP !!! (Means you port back as soon as possible when haveing 700g)

Slightstone + Philospher will give you the capability to stay 5:50 Minutes in lane, while not having too hard Manaleaks and re-warding is possible.

If you don`t had before you will now (if your adc issn`t completely useless) have a few assists, so you should have always the possibility to buy boots + parts of Solari.

Normally you should have finished Slightstone, Philosopher Stone, Solari and your CDR Boots at Midgame.

So now you just go ahead to upgrade your Slightstone to Ward the Lane with 3 Wards, where your team is pushing to cover them from Backdoors.

Your next Item is Zekes ... which is AWESOME on Sona, 20% CDR + HP + a nice Aura.

Now you just go for AP items, which gives you a bit more DMG and HEAL ... So Will of Anchients is a nice Item, when you got 2 APC in your Team (like Ahri Mid + Elise Jungle f.E.)

If you only have 1 APC i recomment zo buy Rabadons instead.

Last but not least ... Hourglass ... the Active Skill + Armor ... helps to survive >.< and the +AP gives you another little Boost on Damage and Heal.
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You start on Ruby Crystal and wait till you can buy a Ward.

After that you run straight to the River and place your Ward next to the Dragon on the Middle of the River. ~ 2:11 Min

You will recocognize that you are one of the or maybe the TANKIEST CHAMP on the Map in Earlygame, so use that !!!

HARASS, HARASS, HARASS with Q as much as you can and don`t mind to take some Damage (avoid it when possible, if not ... thats not too bad becasue YOU CAN TAKE THAT DMG)

Normally the Enemy will have to port back pretty soon or staying low life on lane (or if your ADC is good you get Firstblood maybe)

Your Ward will fade on 5:11 so you NEED to port back at 5:00 ... hopefully you got 475 Gold to buy slightstone now.

Just keep on playing agressive vs. the Enemy Champs till Midgame.
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Now you got:
Slightstone, Philosophers, Solari and your CDR Boots.

And as you can see, your are still one of the tankiest Champs on the Map, which is good to iniciate Fights and doing baits on enemy Players.

The "Tankability" will give you enough time to place your Ultimate without having too much pressure to get that out too early. And we all know what happens when you hit 4-5 Players with your Ultimate.
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For the Beginners (Warding)

If you just start playing or start supporting, here are some Hints for you :)

Your job as Support is Warding, which helpes your team alot to know where enemys come from.

RED WARD: This is your MAIN Ward (it is the first Ward you place) as long as you stay Bot with your Adc THIS Ward is MUST HAVE ! So make sure you always got a Ward there.

Orange Ward: This is the second Ward you put, when you got Slightstone, put it in the Bushes called "Triebush".

Yellow Ward: This Ward is optional ! You normally don`t need that, but if you got a Hecarim or Zac Enemy Jungler ... you will have to Ward this too. If you dominating Botlane and got enough Money you can upgrade your Slightstone first if you want to.

Blue Wards:: If Your Team is going to do Baron Nashor, you will have to put the Wards there to see if Enemys invading. (Deep Blue if your Base is Top // Light Blue if your Base is Bottom)

Green Wards: These are the Main Spots you Ward if you`re going to Push Midlane in Teamfights.

Pink Wards: These are the Wards you put when Enemy is pushing your Midlane in Teamfights.
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Example Games:

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