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Soraka Build Guide by RabidBathtub

Support Soraka Rework Speculation Build

Support Soraka Rework Speculation Build

Updated on August 30, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author RabidBathtub Build Guide By RabidBathtub 4,416 Views 0 Comments
4,416 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author RabidBathtub Soraka Build Guide By RabidBathtub Updated on August 30, 2014
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About the Build

The idea of this build started when I was experimenting with the idea of Soraka's new passive which will grant her 20% AP based on bonus Armor and Magic Resist. This current build was a result of me trying forge the Godly meta beast that was Tank-Raka!(Reeeeaaallly unsuccessful).

- This current build is based heavily on health regen (In order to spam heal)
- AP (so Soraka's spells aren't useless)
- Mana Regen (Considering Soraka's low base mana)
- And Cooldowns (Because of her extremely high CD ult)

Once This build is complete soraka should have around an additional...
(I did all this math a 4am so it might be a bit off, I swear I will updated this later)

451 (at lvl 18) Ability power
50 Armor
0 Health
25 Mana Regen per 5 second (300 mana per Minute)
17 Health Regen per 5 seconds
35 Cooldown Reduction
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League of Legends Build Guide Author RabidBathtub
RabidBathtub Soraka Guide
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