Slightly Aatrox favored matchup. Go ignite. W his second Q, E third Q, try to ignite when he has his passive up or if you see he is going to hit a Q sweet spot. Play around your Q execute before he heals. Sidestep if he hits W, its avoidable.
You win pre-6, gets harder then. E his E dash if you can't predict her second R which would be better to E. She can shroud when you W so she cancels your triple AA, be careful about that and try to bait it before you engage. You can pick red trinket to Q and E her reliably under her shroud.
Go Doran's shield and domination secondary runes, Q poke him to death and just run him down as his E is trash for disengaging.
She can stun you when you W and outtrade you, she sets up ganks easily and pushes the wave faster. Go Doran's shield and try to punish her mistakes as she is squishy. Try to Q poke if she doesn't space properly.
You both set up ganks great but her stuns are unavoidable and ranged, if she casts it, E when it is about to land so you can block her combo. Push the wave and roam, only try to kill her if she obviously missplays. Permaroam after lvl6 unless you're clearly ahead to kill her.
Aurelion Sol
Very inmobile, easy to burst and easy to avoid his damage with your E. Cancel his Q/E with your W, run him down or outroam him if he plays under turret.
His poke is annoying, go Doran's shield and don't get baited because he can R you under his turret and disengage with his E. Roam instead of trying to kill him.
She can't do much to avoid your Q poke and her main damage (2nd Q) is extremely predictable and you can easily E it. Caution for ganks as she can set them up. W when she W so you avoid the sweet spot. After lvl 6 she can dodge your abilities with her ult and gets actually harder to duel.
Annoying poke and you can't W if you're in her pool, try to look behind to predict her R so you don't get stunned. I'd go TP to roam as you can only kill her if she actually missplays hard.
Rush boots to dodge his Q and poke with Q, try to zone him off minions, try to predict his R with your E when you're low on health.
Easily burstable, easy matchup as long as you actively try to dodge his poke.
I recommend Conqueror, your Q poke outranges him, you can W his Q and E his R, you can only lose against Darius if you go for a long trade or overextend when he has ghost up, which you shouldn't. As long as you respect his all-ins it is a pretty easy lane.
You can E her Q E combo and just run her down. Post lvl 6 you can E her R. Don't engage if you get your E baited and she can combo you.
Dr. Mundo
You can go ignite, hide behind minions so you don't get Q poked, Q poke him. He is squishy early, post lvl6 try to stun him when he is low so you can combo and Q execute him before he ults. If you don't give up plates you won't get outscaled due to BotRK existence.
His damage is easily avoidable with your E (his passive is shown under you), don't trade when he gets his W shield, W and Q execute him when he is low so he doesn't have time to R due to being stunned, flash and ignite makes it very easy. Don't get baited under his R as its damage is massive.
If you play properly it is an even matchup. Never W to gap close as you will get stunned, bait her W with your Q or AA in melee as she will be aware of any animation to stun you when you W. You can also do the classic ctrl+3 because it looks like your W jump and will trigger her to waste her W. Hug the wall when she ults. Consider ignite and use it as she ults.
All his damage is avoidable with your E, specially his R after lvl6. Same as Fiora, try to bait his E so you can combo him safely. He can't do much to dodge your Q poke.
E when he is about to dash you, push the wave to avoid his roams and just Q poke him to dead. He is not as tanky as he seems. Be careful of ganks as he can set them up easily.
Q poke him to death, even if he can get out of your stun with his W you still outtrade him due to being able of avoiding his barrels damage with your E, which often avoids his passive damage if you time it well. Go PTA and even ignite if you want to just bully him in lane. Even if the barrel is behind you, E in Gangplank's direction to avoid the damage.
Keep poking him with Q and E if he is gonna engage. After lvl6 you can just E his ult, you have to be focused. In higher elos Garens may ult flash behind you to avoid your E protection, be aware of that.
Careful for his bar, avoid fighting Mega gnar, he just outstats you. Poke Gnar and engage if he can't transform.
Uninteractive lane, he can E your W avoiding your engage. Go TP, push the wave and roam around the map, even go Conqueror for better scaling. Only go for a kill if he makes a mistake. Be careful of his combos, E if he engages, if he wastes his E then you can engage.
E his Q return, avoid long trades and just run him down.
Her main source of damage is predictable (stacked Q), she is squishy outside her mist. After lvl 6 gets harder, you can also E her third R. You outrange her with your Q poke.
Don't get baited, E if you're gonna get hit by his stun, go Doran's shield, engage on him if he wastes his stun. Actually one of worse Panth's matchups if Heimer is skilled. However, you can kill him if you manage to ult on him or get a gank, he is very inmobile.
If you dodge her E, she is a minion.
Otherwise it's a nightmare. Just walk away with your E (stacked if possible) if she uses R. Only reason I don't put her in minor threat is because she can punish you if you missplay even if she is far behind and is actually a pain in the ass.
Poke her to death and don't try to duel neither to long trade. She has far better DPS than you, can heal your poke and dodge your Qs. I recommend ignite in this lane, but if you do, be extra careful because Irelia can easily punish your deaths.
Q poke him to death, if he jumps and E, W and get out of the stun, if he E and then jumps just E his stun. Don't AA after empowered W if he has E up, bait it first. He can't do much to survive your poke and your short trades are far better.
Engage on him when he is ranged, when he is melee be aware because he can disengage, E if he is gonna hit his empowered ranged Q. You outtrade him always, just be careful, his poke is annoying.
He can't do nothing against your Q poke, just be aware of his ult. Don't get baited, he can W you under his turret or ult you there. If he has ult up try to have your rotation up so you can just oneshot him if he ults.
Go Doran's shield, farm, push and roam. Her mistakes are punishable, engage on her if she gets too close, but only if you have the enemy jungler tracked as if she does so it will most probably be a bait, she can set up ganks.
He is not a champion until lvl 11, and even then you can still outduel him. Use wisely your E, he can cancel it with his Q. Deny him farm early and zone him out the xp range. If he goes extra passive just push and roam, he can't do anything against it. If he engages it means that his jgler is about to gank.
Same as Kassadin, even better for Panth, as you can stop her R with your W or just E it. Her damage is predictable, be aware of the daggers and run her down.
Hands down Panth's easiest matchup. You win the duel even at lvl 16, but at the early game just keep engaging on her, even under her turret you can poke her with Q and dive her if she doesn't have ult. When she scales save your E for her ult and just finish her. Keep tracked the enemy jgler, you don't want to mess up such an easy matchup. Don't get baited lvl1, probably only phase of the game she outduels you due to her passive.
Try to avoid his Q poke, you win short trades but have to be careful after lvl 6. You can go Doran's shield.
He has huge stats, but it is an even matchup. E his engage with his W passive, get him almost dismounted, dismount and then do your whole combo to finish him before he gets his ride back.
Try to E when she W, don't W her W because she will just go back and you lost your stun for a few seconds. She clears terribly, shove the wave and roam.
You have far more damage, and you can E her W which is her main source of damage, try to avoid her Q with your W also. E towards her if she makes you sleep with her ult and run her down.
She has not enough damage to trade with us, and she can't run if we engage because her transposition is slower than our W.
Respect early levels and run him down post lvl 3.
Play around roams, don't go for a kill unless it is to punish her not respecting your W range. E her R when possible.
You can rush Black Cleaver, it is possible to kill him early, from then it only gets harder, go TP and roam after pushing the wave. Go Conqueror and try to do long trades.
You can E his R damage but he will probably silence you before ulting, also, don't get baited into a gank setup with flash+R. Q him before engaging so he loses his shield. Play around his extremely low mobility. Don't make QSS, most times they are bait items.
He has good sustain and very good gank setups, however, your Q poke and short trades are better. Track the enemy jungler and you will be fine 1v1 against this champion. E his Q.
Master Yi
If you ever face lane Master Yi, Q him to death, E when he Q and avoid fighting if he can W your damage. He is extremely squishy, abuse it. Don't disrespect his damage, though.
Your Q poke is better than his. E his isolated Q and avoid fighting if he can ult. Not that hard matchup, but he can punish mistakes easily.
Freeze as close to your turret as possible and don't let him get xp. After lvl6 and sheen is very hard to duel him even if he is behind. Don't get baited, he has basically an exhaust in his kit which allows him to set up ganks. Slow push when he is low in the early game to try and dive him. I recommend TP so you can transpose your early advantage into your allies, Nasus is one of the few champions that outduels Pantheon in the lategame, you want your allies to be strong.
She has very strong poke but it is dodgeable. Engage on her, she is squishy and you can E most of her combo. Post lvl 6, save your E for her R.
Keep poking him and try to E his E true damage. He wins long trades, avoid getting run down specially when he has ult up. Keep poking and engage when he's low. You can go with ignite and PTA.
She outranges us and has better clear. Go TP and try to push and roam. If you can't roam due to her pushing, farm under turret and wait for her to do a mistake, she doesn't have CC until lvl 6.
Very hard to kill and it gets worse. I recommend TP and roam, as it is hard to kill Ornn in lane. If you duel him, E his empowered auto or his second R. Go Conqueror.
She can stun you if you W while she has her aura ability. Don't stand next to walls, she can stun you with you E as Vayne does (except that Poppy is melee), don't use your E against her ult, use it against her Q, instead. Poke her to death with your Q and go Conqueror.
Don't stand close to walls after lvl 6 and it is a free matchup. You can use red trinket to reliably Q and E her inside her when she is invisible.
Go Doran's shield and keep poking her. Engage if she uses her E, E her combo (Q - empowered auto). She likes to roam, remember to track her and ping your allies. It looks a far worse matchup than it actually is if you play focused and confident.
E if he dashes to you, if you are in melee range try to predict his W. Your Q poke outranges him (except for his E, which you can block with your own E and disengage with W+Q). Respect his tankiness, burst and healing after lvl 6 even if he is behind. Steelcaps help a lot in this matchup.
Q if he jumps to farm, E if he jumps to engage. Very squishy, you can go ignite and just bully him.
Respect her range and her damage. Search for short trades and poke her with Q, if you duel her post lvl 6 save your E for her R execute. Riven is an easy matchup but you can mess up because of her damage and outplay potential, so you have to stay focused.
Poke with Q, stay behind minions to avoid his E and block her empowered Q with your E, sidestep his ult. Slightly favored to Pantheon if played properly, respect his Q damage.
Blue machine gun funny man is squishy, but he has high DPS and before lvl 3 we cant engage safely. From then just run him down with PTA.
Waste her passive with your Q, E her W and engage. Not as easy as it may seem, she has decent damage and sets up ganks well. Go Conqueror.
Poke with Q and space well so you don't get caught by him with his E, if you do, disengage with W E. If you all-in save your E for his W.
You have to be careful poking him since that can put you in his dash range. He can follow your roams and is useful even when behind which makes him very annoying. E his empowered AA, disengage if he hits the taunt. Don't use your abilities inside his shield.
Uninteractive lane. You can poke him but can't engage with W due to his E. Can't fight him in his ult, neither. Don't run after him and don't try to kill him if he is proxing unless you know 100% sure u will get the kill.
This matchup is all about timing his Q: your W cancels it but if he stuns you before you hit him you won't stun him. If he is already in the 'stun time spot' of his Q just E to avoid its damage. BOTRK helps a lot to kill him after he starts stacking health, consider it 2nd or 3rd item.
Swain usually comboes you with E+W+Q, try to E most part of it. You stat check him, just be aware of his healing potential inside his ult.
Ignite him when he is low so he won't outduel you with his W healing. Dueling him is easy, problem is him copying your ult to follow your roams, be aware of that.
Post-rework syndra is nearly impossible to kill due to his E free disengage. Poke her if possible and try to dodge her Q, early game her damage is low. Her ult is most part of her damage and its ridiculously easy to E. I don't consider this a hard matchup because she has to play passive when her E is down and its very hard for her to kill you due to your own E.
Tahm Kench
Stay behind your minions to avoid his Q, W him to stop his blink and just poke him to death. He has to hit you multiple times to ult you but be aware of that if you are close to his turret.
Most of his damage comes from his passive which is also easy to prevent. He will try to push the wave to roam as you outduel him insanely hard, so be aware and ping your allies, you can also counterroam him with your ult.
Go doran shield and run him down. Don't use your empowered W when he blinds you. Go scorch and outpoke him with your Q, all-in when he is low. Use red trinkets to check for mushrooms.
Poke and space well, disengage if he tries to all-in, all-in only when he is low, he has outduel potential. Gets harder after lvl 6, Plated steelcaps help a lot.
Run exhaust. Early game he is easy to kill, post lvl 6 it is not hard neither because of your W, E and exhaust gaining time for you when he ults. Steelcaps help a lot.
Twisted Fate
He can follow roams but can't really kill you in lane and has short range. You can stun him even if he hits his yellow card, so try to go for a kill if he missplays.
He outduels you but has nothing to protect himself from your constant Q poke. Disengage if he tries to all-in, specially if he runs ghost.
Very easy matchup as long as you space his E, you can just kill him with your Q poke. You can E his ult when he activates it, but timing it is not that easy so don't risk it if you don't know what you're doing.
Run Doran's shield. Similar to Quinn matchup except that Vayne has lower damage and can't roam, only way you can actually die to her is if you get hit by her E against a wall. Q her when she tries to poke. Edge of night is considerable as a rush because it can block her E disengage.
All his damage is dodgeable/blockable with your E. He is squishy early and not really a problem later, just don't get stunned by his cage.
This matchup is all about taking the most profit of your E, if he ults and you neglect his damage with it the ult cast won't do damage neither.
E towards him, but be careful since he may teleport to a shadow behind you, so try to E towards him and all his shadows if possible.
We only win this matchup because of our greater damage, but if the zed knows the matchup well it can be actually hard.
A bit harder than Yasuo but still favorable matchup. Keep rotating your abilities on him and disengaging with E.
Run him down, E behind you if he hits Q and can ult.
Actual pain in the ass.
You can win if you focus on dodging his E, you can W his wall and all-in after poking him with Q.
Run teleport
Save your E for his ult and don't waste your abilities on his copy.
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