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Blitzcrank Build Guide by Lusty Wench

Support Steamrolling to Victory -Blitz carries-

Support Steamrolling to Victory -Blitz carries-

Updated on October 21, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Lusty Wench Build Guide By Lusty Wench 1,464 Views 0 Comments
1,464 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Lusty Wench Blitzcrank Build Guide By Lusty Wench Updated on October 21, 2014
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Pros / Cons

Pros: Hooks are op, pretty base tanky, mana shield is nice, hes fast af

Cons: Mana hungry, if you pull the wrong person you can cost your team a fight, not much aoe cc.
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The start is simple. Get ancient coin, biscuits and trinket. First back go for sight stone and mobility boots. Once you have mobys you can roam and carry your team. It is critical that you conserver your mana at early levels, because his hook eats throught your mana like none other.
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Mid game

Throughout the mid game is when your at your strongest. Once you have gotten sightstone and mobility boots, you want to rush iceborne gauntlet and upgrade ancient coin into talisman of asension. After that I usually go frozen heart, because it gives a ton of armour, cdr, and mana.
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Late game

Late game you can build alot of things on blits. Once you have talisman of acensionl, mobility boots, iceborne gauntlet, and frozen heart, you can build a lot of things. It just depends on the other teams comp and whos fed.
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Basically, lower divisions dont know how to deal with a blitzcrank because of his ability to turn games around. If you build correctly and land your hooks on the right targets you should win most of your games. Not lieing. Goodluck climbing the ranks guys and I hope you enjoyed.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Lusty Wench
Lusty Wench Blitzcrank Guide
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Steamrolling to Victory -Blitz carries-

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