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Ahri Build Guide by Rebaulten

Support Support Ahri: Most Aggressive Mage Support

Support Support Ahri: Most Aggressive Mage Support

Updated on May 29, 2023
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Rebaulten Build Guide By Rebaulten 8,021 Views 0 Comments
8,021 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Rebaulten Ahri Build Guide By Rebaulten Updated on May 29, 2023
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Taste of Blood
Zombie Ward
Ultimate Hunter

Nimbus Cloak

+8 Ability Haste
+6 Armor
+65 Base Health


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


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Champion Build Guide

Support Ahri: Most Aggressive Mage Support

By Rebaulten
About Me + Thoughts on S13 Ahri
Hi. I am a support main that mainly play Zyra to carry from the support role. I hate the enchanter play style where I just hope that I get an ADC that knows how to play the game. As a Ahri I enjoy being more independent from my ADC and controlling skirmishes.

Thoughts on S13 Ahri Support
Enchanters are creeping back into the primary support roles. Ahri is here to take over enchanter meta and eat any passive laners. Ahri has great roam potential and has great control in pacing the game.
Item Thought Proccess
Starting the game it is always Spellthief's Edge with two Health Potion
core build 1: Everfrost + CDR items.

First Item Thought Process

First reset the goal is to buy Tier Two boots. Ahri will benefit well from Dark Seal. Purchase if you have left over 350 gold.

Component purchase order should be Lost Chapter > Kindlegem > Ruby Crystal> Amplifying Tome

Considerations when resetting early
If you are resetting pre level 4 with 450 gold Boots + Refillable Potion is a consideration that I often take. This gives me movement speed to dodge as well as get in good placement to cast Charm. Refillable Potion after third back or after level 6+ does not feel good and will slow down tempo.

Tier Two Boots Thought Proccess

Plated Steelcaps VS Mercury's Treads VS Ionian Boots of Lucidity
- Ionian Boots of Lucidity biggest power spike early and carries you into first item
- Plated Steelcaps if all enemies are attack damage based
- Mercury's Treads if all enemies are magic damage based
- If mixed damage look at the biggest threat champions. If the enemy Zed is fed but no one else, Plated Steelcaps might make sense. If there are champions like Lux, Morgana types of champions and Ahri could die before joining the team fight focus on Mercury's Treads. If there is an enemy Renekton Plated Steelcaps is a good consideration since it will work against Ruthless Predator and potentially stop his one shot combo.

When to buy Oblivion Orb
NEVER buy Oblivion Orb before completing Everfrost. The healing reduced is often negligible compared to completing mythic items. If healing is a big issue, fight around Ignite.

After Core Items
Banshee's Veil Is a great item for a heavy AP team. It will allow you to engage easily with Spirit Rush while ignoring enemy abilities.

Morellonomicon is a great way to improve anti heal (with 13.1b update no longer improves anti heal but still good consideration for cheaper item completion with magic penetration
Shadowflame is a consideration against heavy shield focused team and also provides HP.
Zhonya's Hourglass is a consideration against champions like Zed and Kayn and good to wait Spirit Rush resets.
Anathema's Chains is great when there is 1 carry.
Contact Me
Let me know if you have any questions or comments. I would liek to see if anyone has any other thoughts on Ahri and improve my mastery of the champion.

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League of Legends Build Guide Author Rebaulten
Rebaulten Ahri Guide
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Support Ahri: Most Aggressive Mage Support

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