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Taliyah Build Guide by piconooby

Taliyah jg guide to D5

Taliyah jg guide to D5

Updated on July 21, 2016
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League of Legends Build Guide Author piconooby Build Guide By piconooby 3,773 Views 0 Comments
3,773 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author piconooby Taliyah Build Guide By piconooby Updated on July 21, 2016
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So why taliyah jg?

Taliyah jg really excels in gang and in the late game can really help split up enemy teams, kite or initiate. All while doing good aoe damage. Believe it or not, it carried me to diamond 5 in the SEA server. Search me > Katniss
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How to jungle

Jungling as taliyah requires alot of kiting. You can auto attack after activating Q, so make full use of it. You must also know how to ultilize all the buffs from the camps to make up for the lack of sustainability of taliyah.

Golems and Toad - Always smite and try to use E-W on them. buffs from Golems are awesome for taking krud and toad for clearing wolves and raptors. They also deal tons of dmg. So kill them fast and lose less Hp.

Wolves and Raptors - These should usually go down easy with Q and maybe E if you have alot of mana to spare. Q-E-W if you have alot of mana to spare (on blue buff). Smite raptors before ganging. It really helps. Smiting wolves is an option but mostly a waste.

Krud - Walking Health potions. Honestly auto attacking a krud with a Hunters machete heals you more than you can imagine. if you are low and have river security. Thats a health potion for you.

Bue golem and Red lizard - Smite red Lizard if possible for HP. For Blue golem, you can easily kite him and finish him off with Q -E and W
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Your gangs begin at level 3. Unlike other AP champions taliyah unlocks her full damage potential at level 3. Her Q, W and E. Due to the fact that her R deals no damage, all her damage lies in her first 3 skills.

This makes her Especially potent when ganging. In addition to the fact that 2/3 of those skills are disables.
First off would be to land your W. Try to slow them with E and auto attack (with red buff) first if you can. If not, its a game of skill. Practice makes perfect.
When you get your R

Refer to the picture of the map above. Try ganging Bot > Top > Mid with your ult. Bot since you can easily wall off and take two kills (Squishy peeps), followed by top, easy wall but tanky aff, then mid, where u cant wall off and u might as well walk up to him to use the Q-E-W combo. Remember to ride it and fall off at the right range(the max range of your Q is ideal or as you see fit)
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Mid-Late game

Roam around with the team/try to flank them with that 400++ MS with wall surf. By then you should have rylais (20mins) So try and Q-W-E or Q-E-W to catch enemy champions and initiate a fight. Remember to wall off potential backup with R when you need to.

Either that or you roam around the Jungle with your ult while the enemy and your team walks at mid. This usually allows you to get a better angle for your wall so you can split enemy teams and corner them agaisnt your own for that ideal team fight.

If not stay close to extreme sides of a lane to make a V wall that catches enemies.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author piconooby
piconooby Taliyah Guide
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Taliyah jg guide to D5

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