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Taliyah Build Guide by FlameWeaver

AP Carry Taliyah, The Forgotten Carry

AP Carry Taliyah, The Forgotten Carry

Updated on April 9, 2017
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League of Legends Build Guide Author FlameWeaver Build Guide By FlameWeaver 2,303 Views 0 Comments
2,303 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author FlameWeaver Taliyah Build Guide By FlameWeaver Updated on April 9, 2017
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Threats & Synergies

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Taliyah is a very bursty control mage, with roam potential rivaling Aurelion Sol and that one fed Katarina. She can Zone lane opponents off cs, and can defend against ganks fairly well. If you have ever done an animation cancel (Riven, just to name one champion) then you might be able to git gud at Taliyah. She's much better late game, with most of your build complete and Rialis slowing down anyone who tries to leave. Taliyah was overlooked after she was nerfed a bunch around her release, and has had a declining win percentage and play percentage. However, in the low elo I'm in, nobody understands Taliyah. If you are in a low elo, playing Taliyah could give you an advantage.
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Animation Cancels And Combos

Animation cancels are important. I ocasionally play Riven top, so I love canceling animations and bursting someone. Taliyah's E has a painfully long cast time, so to shorten it, you can cancel the animation. With a well timed Q or W, you can combo and cancel the animation of E. E Q, E W Q, and E W are all good examples of animation canceling. Combos are my favorite part of playing champions like Riven and Taliyah, so I know plenty. A good combo to do good damage without burning very much mana is Q W. E W is good for wave clear if there is a lot of worked ground around. Q E W is easy to hit if you have Rialis.
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Dealing Damage

Taliyah doesn't do very much damage alone, and takes time to figure out. You are very hard to chase, since your Q is one of your best damage dealing spells, and kiting isn't very hard with Q. Tanks are a no no, you cant take them alone at all. Carrys Take lots of damage, so you need to position correctly so you can slip behind them, seperate tanks and carrys with Weaver's Wall, and burst the carries. Just like with Jarvain and Anivia, you need to consider where your team is when creating terrain. I've seen most success helping botlane early and walling off lone adc's from safety in late game.
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Overall tips

Taliyah often runs out of mana, so asking your jungler for blue buff is always a good choice. You need to stay away from any melee's, as they always ruin your day. Keeping distance is key to survival. Weavers Wall isn't just a tool for mobility, remember you have a choice to ride it. Split off a team fight, wall off dragon or baron, or even the base.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author FlameWeaver
FlameWeaver Taliyah Guide
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Taliyah, The Forgotten Carry

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