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In lane, Rakan needs to have bush control to fight so if you get the nearest bush and use
Gleaming Quill to poke the enemy and heal your AD Carry. If you lose bush control play aggressive until you get the bush control back!
In the middle game, group with your team and get catches with your
Grand Entrance. Getting else picks should allow the catch to be a kill. If you engage in a fight you can not win, use
Battle Dance to get out of sticky situations. Try and extend or make a lead by doing this with your mid laner and AD carry/AP carry.
In the late game, group with your team and again try for picks before a fight by using your
Grand Entrance. During team fights use
The Quickness to charm everyone and let your team follow up. After that try and
Grand Entrance to get in and out of the fight. Everything should end up great!
In lane, Rakan needs to have bush control to fight so if you get the nearest bush and use

In the middle game, group with your team and get catches with your

In the late game, group with your team and again try for picks before a fight by using your

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