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Diana Build Guide by Uria116

Tanky Diana

Tanky Diana

Updated on August 4, 2016
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Uria116 Build Guide By Uria116 2,168 Views 0 Comments
2,168 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Uria116 Diana Build Guide By Uria116 Updated on August 4, 2016
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Why should i build tanky diana?

You should build tanky diana because no one expects it and it provides a tank on your team. You still can deal damage towards the enemy with tanky stats. Tanky diana is a tanky carry as diana can hold out fights for a certain amount of time for your team to clean up.
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-Is able to engage fights
-Can burst squishy
-Can tank back line damage
-Provides a tank

-All in champion
-Does less damage than an all ap build
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You just want to auto attack the minions but if against a ranged harasser like ziggs then try to farm with q or time his q and watch your minions too, its unlikely that he will try to harass you rather than take minions.
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Make sure your with your team and make sure they are ready to fight. There is two play style you can play either the engage and tank most of the damage or go in after the engage on the back line to keep them busy. You can also get picks with your e as it does drag them closer towards you and puts a slow on the enemy.
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Want to play passive for the level 6 spike where you gain kill pressure within the lane. You want to hit your q then ult to gain the reset. If your confident that your q will hit ult right away as it will give you the reset for the ult.
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You want to max your q because its part of your kit to even deal damage as if your unable to hit the q your unable to even fight. Max w next because it gives the shield you'll need to sustain.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Uria116
Uria116 Diana Guide
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Tanky Diana

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