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Ability Order
Deadly Venom (PASSIVE)
Twitch Passive Ability
THis is the most important part of the guide so pay attention ^o^
In 3v3 i start of with Doran's Blade for the simple reason of more ad but you can also start with Boots and three health pots
Then just after First Blood i buy Zeal and Madred's Razors and then finish Phantom Dancer
THen i finish Madred's Bloodrazor and go for B.F. sword and a Dagger or a Vampiric Scepter then i finish the Bloodthirster and the Black Cleaver
In late game either buy Infinity Edge first or Frozen Mallet first. Infinity edge if you want more attack dmg or Frozen mallet if you want more survivability (P.s. if you have a good tank like Malphite or Mordekaiser or another good tank its better to stay behind them and buy Infinity Edge and decimate your opponent!! ;))
In 3v3 i start of with Doran's Blade for the simple reason of more ad but you can also start with Boots and three health pots
Then just after First Blood i buy Zeal and Madred's Razors and then finish Phantom Dancer
THen i finish Madred's Bloodrazor and go for B.F. sword and a Dagger or a Vampiric Scepter then i finish the Bloodthirster and the Black Cleaver
In late game either buy Infinity Edge first or Frozen Mallet first. Infinity edge if you want more attack dmg or Frozen mallet if you want more survivability (P.s. if you have a good tank like Malphite or Mordekaiser or another good tank its better to stay behind them and buy Infinity Edge and decimate your opponent!! ;))
Well take Venum Cask at start of game to slow your opponents and get a secure kill then take Ambush and Expunde Fully upgrade Expunde first to do massive amounts of damage and secure a kill then upgrade Venum Cask or Ambush it doesn't make a difference but i prefare to to fully upgrade Venum Cask first and then upgrade Ambush
For spells i prefere Flash and Exhaust because i love to see my opponents try to escape me while i destroy there health and i have fun chasing them with Exhaust and Venum Cask :) .
I use Flash to escape situations where they are targeting me in team fights.
You can also use Ignite to do extra true dmg and get an easy kill and you can also use the skill set Ghost and Exhaust to be a better chaser or to escape a trcky situation.
I use Flash to escape situations where they are targeting me in team fights.
You can also use Ignite to do extra true dmg and get an easy kill and you can also use the skill set Ghost and Exhaust to be a better chaser or to escape a trcky situation.
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