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Annie Build Guide by Bighalo2

AP Carry The Dark Child

AP Carry The Dark Child

Updated on January 4, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Bighalo2 Build Guide By Bighalo2 1,331 Views 0 Comments
1,331 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Bighalo2 Annie Build Guide By Bighalo2 Updated on January 4, 2013
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Starting with Boots 3 Health Potion, or Null-Magic Mantle is a good way to help give you an edge to the opposition due to what they can build into quickly, null will help with the early game poke and help you get creep, (minions) and get you ahead, if your opposition is a champion with better poke than you. boots helps by being able to still build defensively as well as offensively with both Sorcerer's Shoes, and Mercury's Treads, as well as having the sustain from the pots,
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Early Defense

This section is quite self explanatory, if you are up against a champ that is beating you in damage and it is a necessary to add some def to your build the best way to do it is to try to catch it as early as you can, if you have a champion that deals ad, then go Chain Vest, because of what it can build into later, if there is a ap champion in your lane (more likely) go Chalice of Harmony
also because of items it can be build into later.
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Early Aggressive

Magic pen is awesome in mid lane, it can force you to do true damage early and help you sustain damage and win the lane more, because when ahead, just get more ahead
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This section comes with game play, just making sure you look at the opponents items including other lanes and jungle and you will see what fits, if you don't know, just experiment with each items see how they can help or harm you in early mid and late game.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Bighalo2
Bighalo2 Annie Guide
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The Dark Child

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