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i rush a botrk. i know i know its weird however i believe the ad and as is amazing as a first buy. the passive helps him shread through the tanky top laners as well as the active is amazing in sticky situations. imagine a q active garen running at you. just pop your bork and watch him run at the speed he should be. as my next item i get bloodthirster for the damage and lifesteal. if im feeling fed i get an early last whisperer but usually go for a brutalizer. i sit on that and go ie for crit damage. that paired with your youmuus active will be devastating
i max e first. the attack speed steroid is amazing synergy with your bork and the gap closing aspect is amazing. your ideal damage combo should always be q and as they run away e then if they stay and fight pop your w to confuse them and run behind them. as it pops use your ult and bork and ignite. they will most likely be dead if not building armor.
wukong is a great damage burst champion with his amazing scaling on his ult. his e is a great gap closer and his q offers great tower tanking as well as armor shread. his clone is an amazing skill to juke. using s in a gank will confuse them. however when in lower elos when they first gank always use w. if they go for your clone there is no need to us s next time. rinse and repeat until they realize its a damn clone.
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