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Ivern Build Guide by NiFo

Jungle The Full Damage Ivern

Jungle The Full Damage Ivern

Updated on October 26, 2018
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League of Legends Build Guide Author NiFo Build Guide By NiFo 18 0 41,772 Views 0 Comments
18 0 41,772 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author NiFo Ivern Build Guide By NiFo Updated on October 26, 2018
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I started playing Ivern after seeing Mattheos' gameplay.
I really liked his runes but wanted some extra damage (especially ability power).
So i made this guide mainly for fun but also to show people a possible full ap Ivern.
Don't take this one seriously tough as im VERY far away from being a professional player!
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Let's start with the basics.
This build's runes try to get the highest ap damage possible on Ivern in a classic way.
Both secondary and main path runes do this by getting the most ms possible making the "Celerity" rune do its work (which means nice ms while still having lots of ap).
- "Summon Aery" grants Ivern's E extra hit points.
- "Nimbus Cloak" is good for ganks (and goes well with "Celerity").
- "Celerity" is the core rune for this build.
- "Waterwalking" gives you an advantage in the river (obviously).
- "Magical Footwear" for extra movement speed (which obviously fits).
- "Approach Velocity" for ganks (it should work but can be easily replaced).
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All items focus on making the runes work while granting the most ap possible and making sure the W's autoattack upgrade is not wasted by adding a few items to enhance its effectiveness.
Alternatively,one can decide to get that 40% cooldown reduction by replacing the spellbinder with something else (the alternative final build can be used if you want to keep it).
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Skill Sequence

For this specific build you should max Q first.
Then,max E as it's very good when ganking and fighting in general (you could max W before maxing E but i don't think it's a good idea as it might lower your gank's effectiveness).
Max Daisy every time you can.
W is the last thing you should max,i think.
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Starting The Game

Here's a good way to start your game:
1 - Active the passive on the Wolves.
2 - Active the passive on the Blue.
3 - Active the passive on the Gromp.
4 - Go get the Scuttler Crab by smiting it instantly (alternatively,you can go steal the enemy's red buff but i do not recomend that).
5 - Go back to your jungle and claim Blue,Gromp and Wolves.
6 - Gank or go and farm your red jungle (if you go jungling,try getting another crab).
7 - If the gank doesn't grant you the kill then go back to farming and try again later.
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When ganking try to place your W first (to make sure this is possible,gank your enemies from behind) so that when you've stunned them with your Q you can take advantage of it.
Use E wisely and shield the one that is taking the most damage.
When using R try to land a stun first (and shield Daisy when doing so).
Remember that Daisy can be controlled and used to shield tower hits or focus a target.
Ivern's W gives a few seconds of vision when placed.
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This build tries to make the most out of Ivern's Q while also enhancing the use of his W,keeping his E effective (Daisy is also very powerful thanks to all the ap) and granting some good,extra movement speed to pair with the Celerity rune for effective ganks.
Does it work tough?Well,there's no way to tell but to try it by yourself!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author NiFo
NiFo Ivern Guide
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The Full Damage Ivern

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