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Vayne Build Guide by Trunar

AD Carry The True Carry

AD Carry The True Carry

Updated on October 14, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Trunar Build Guide By Trunar 2,759 Views 5 Comments
2,759 Views 5 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Trunar Vayne Build Guide By Trunar Updated on October 14, 2013
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Hi guys, the name is Trunar. So you know a little bit about me and where I'm coming from with this
guide, I'm a ranked Gold V player and don't actually main ADC. I'm fairly diverse in what position I play, as I find it gives me a greater grip on how to work with other champions from other lanes by having my own personal experience with the champions. I've played League of Legends since the Open Beta all the way back in October of 2009, so I've been in the community more than long enough to see just how much the game has grown and matured over the years. You may ask then why I'm not a Platinum or Diamond player since I've been playing for so long. To put it simply I haven't taken an interest in ranked matches at all until this year. I didn't like the added pressure that came with playing ranked matches and I played League of Legends more for the experience with my friends in the less-stressful environment that normal matches offered. Now I've taken a liking to the competitive side of the game and have been analyzing it a lot more than previously in hopes to get even better, which is why I've started to make champion guides. I want to share with you what I've learned throughout my gaming experience with League of Legends and hopefully help you improve your performance with the same kind of guides that helped me along on my way. So please, give me feedback on what I did right, what I did wrong, what I can improve upon, and vote my guide up if you found it to be useful. Reviews, votes, and feedback will all tell me if I'm doing a good job or not. Also, please do not base your vote on my guides on the amount off bbcode that I use. I don't have the time to sit here and dress my guide up to make it a piece of art. I'm here to convey information I've gathered and help you guys out which, in my opinion, should be the sole purpose of the guide. I find that fancy art and coded extras hide what you're trying to say rather than help illuminate it. That being said, here is my guide to Vayne, The Night Hunter...
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Guide Overview

This guide is entirely based around Vayne's Silver Bolts skill and getting the most occurrences
of Silver Bolts with an early, high attack speed build. I will be discussing Vayne's pros and cons, summoner spells, mastery trees, team composition, lane composition, and general play-style at different stages in the game. This guide is intended for a bottom-lane AD-carry Vayne, but many parts of it are applicable to top-lane Vaynes as well.
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Overview of Vayne

Now that new metas appear to be setting in with Corki, Caitlyn, and Graves as the typical
AD-carries, it seems to me that Vayne is being played less and less, which I find odd for the typical player that doesn't have a pre-made 5v5 team.
Vayne, being one of the most successful hyper carries in the game, in my opinion, seems like an
obvious choice for those wishing to carry their unknown team members to victory. Yes teamwork in general will stomp any team without such a play-style, but in a 5v5 match where you don't know your teammates, teamwork doesn't always happen and you're forced into attempting to carry your team to victory. This is where I see Vayne being the most useful. Her carry potential is INSANE, and is something I hope to help you realize and utilize by creating this guide.
General discussion about Vayne:
Vayne currently has the HIGHEST starting attack damage of all bottom lane AD-carries, and naturally
scales to end game with the HIGHEST attack damage of all bottom lane AD-carries as well. This may lead you to ask, "Then why is her pre-level 6 game so rough? She should be dominating the other AD-carries." The simple issue with Vayne is her range. She has one of the lowest auto-attack ranges of bottom lane AD-carries and she needs to be in auto-attack range to put most of her skills to good use. Her pre-6 is easily countered by an Ashe, Twitch, or Ezreal who can poke her down early game with either skills or auto-attacks and escape her rather easily. Tristana also can be a hassle to Vayne because Tristana's range outscales her's so easily and she can escape Vayne with ease with her Rocket Jump. On top of being crippled by her short ranged usefulness, Vayne is one of the squishiest AD-carries in the game. She has one of the lowest base healths of bottom land AD-carries, her armor is the lowest of all typical AD-carries, and her health regeneration isn't something to be admired either. She is truly a glass cannon assassin. Little armor, little health, little range, but packs a massive punch.
With these things in consideration, this guide is an attempt by myself to help others cope with their
pre-level 6 game-play and really take over once they hit level 6.
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As fond as I am of playing Vayne over other AD-caries, there are admittedly some very steep drawbacks
to playing Vayne that counter her amazing advantages. After all, there is no AD-carry that doesn't have some sort of a major drawback to help keep them in check. Here are some of the pros and cons of picking Vayne as opposed to choosing other AD-carries.

She counters Jinx well
One of the best end-game damage capabilities of ADC's
Has good escape potential
Very mobile
Can stun

Low health and armor
Highly susceptible to ranged attacks.
Highly susceptible to burst damage.
Tends to get focused
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Fleet Footwork
Phase Rush
For Quintessences I recommend three Greater Quintessence of Life Steal, which helps Vayne sustain
through the early-game poke that she is susceptible to.
For Marks I recommend nine Greater Mark of Attack Damage. Plainly and simply, the extra damage
output is nice and helps Vayne kill minions, champions, and push her lane more easily when necessary.
For Seals I recommend nine Greater Seal of Armor. The flat, early armor is invaluable in helping Vayne
deal with usual poke applied to her in lane.
For Glyphs I recommend nine Greater Glyph of Magic Resist. Why I recommend the flat magic resist
glyphs as opposed to scaling ones is because Vayne has a tendency to aggro enemy supports in the laning phase since most of them can punish her from a safe distance. This helps mitigate some of that magic damage you should expect to take in lane.
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The masteries I recommend are:
My reasoning behind putting the 1 point into Wanderer as opposed to Summoner's Resolve like
I see most Vaynes do is because the 20 extra damage negation from barrier hasn't been that useful for me. I usually find that if I'm going to die, in the time it takes the enemy team to deal that extra 20 damage to me in late-game I would never be able to get off another auto-attack to make the extra 20 damage negation a viable choice. Honestly most of the time that this ends up happening I get completely blown up, usually by the enemy AP-carry. AP-carries generally have such immense burst damage that the extra 20 damage would make no difference on how long you're able to stay alive. Yes this extra 20 damage negation can be an asset in early-laning situations with Vayne, but I find that by end-game that little extra damage negation does very little, if anything at all for Vayne whereas the bonus movement speed from Wanderer can be of not a huge use, but more than the extra damage negation from Summoner's Resolve and be useful for a longer period of time than Summoner's Resolve as well.
The movement speed from Wanderer , however, has come into a ton more use for me. I can't tell
you how many times I see enemy ADC's in the bottom lane escape with enough health who would die to just one more auto-attack left from the opposing ADC. I've found that taking advantage of this situation has enabled myself, as Vayne, to secure many more kills than I normally would acquire without this mastery.
On top of all that, Wanderer also helps Vayne get out of lane more quickly if she is aggressed on
or ganked, which happens a lot to Vaynes pre-level 6, especially by Caitlyn, in order to prevent her from snowballing out of control and reaching her end-game because her end game is just that good in non pre-made 5v5's. Though the movement speed bonus isn't much, I think you'll find it is worth more than meets the eye. That being said, if you find that Wanderer isn't suiting your play-style, by all means put that one point into Summoner's Resolve for yourself as I see no other point aside from Wanderer that is worth more than Summoner's Resolve .
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Summoner Spells

For summoner spells I recommend Flash and
Barrier. Barrier's damage negation works well on Vayne, who usually ends up getting focused by other teams. If the other team is exceptionally cc heavy I'd recommend taking Cleanse instead of Barrier.
Another alternative to Barrier is Ignite. Most other AD-carries will run this to further their damage output, but Vayne honestly doesn't need the extra damage in her lane level 6 onward. Yes, Ignite can be a great help pre-level 6 to help Vayne with her slower early game and even help her secure some earlier kills, but Barrier has been much more useful for me as it provides Vayne with something that she doesn't have a lot of, defense, and this defense is useful for the entire match.
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Champion Select

If you're planning on playing Vayne, you should also be planning on trying to convince your team-mates
to play a heavy cc(crowd-control) team. You'll want a lot of stuns, slows, and knock-ups in your team composition so your team can peel(divert attention/immobilize enemies coming after you) for you. Don't over-convince your team on running an extremely heavy cc team though, as heavy cc teams tend to trade damage output for their stuns and slows. You do have insane damage potential as Vayne, but your other team-mates need to have some damage as well in order to make a well rounded composition.
That being said, if your team doesn't want to run as much cc as you'd like, then don't play Vayne.
It's not worth wasting 40 minutes of your life not enjoying a match because you keep dying because your team can't peel well for you, as well as playing a match you are destined to have a hard-time with and probably lose.
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Ability Sequence

Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
In nearly every level 1 situation Tumble should be taken before Vayne's other abilities. The
mobility from Tumble is simply too valuable in lane for a level 1 Vayne.
However, if her team is going to attempt to invade the enemy red buff or blue buff and know that that
is where the enemy team will be starting at, then Condemn can be just as valuable if you are confident in using it correctly. In invade situations her Condemn can be invaluable if executed correctly and getting the stun on an opponent.
If you didn't take Condemn and instead took Tumble, get Condemn at level 2. If you did take
Tumble at level 1, then do the opposite and Condemn at level 2. Taking both of these skills early significantly increases Vayne's mobility and control of her positioning with respect to other's. After level 2 start leveling Silver Bolts as often as possible unless her ultimate, Final Hour, can be taken since Silver Bolts are going to be a key source of damage for Vayne.
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Skill Usage

(Q) Tumble is one of Vayne's spells that makes her so great. Because of this spell her mobility increases greatly. You can Tumble any direction you wish, using it to close gaps, secure cs with the extra damage it provides, escape ganks by tumbling backwards, avoid skillshots, and even tumble into brush so you're safely hidden to attempt a counter attack (if it's not warded!). Where I've seen Tumble come in most handy is using it to gain an angular advantage on an enemy so you can Condemn them into a wall, following it up with the extra damage applied by Tumble. IMPORTANT: Keep in mind that if you tumble into terrain or other solid, fixed object the animation on your tumble resets more quickly. Use this to your advantage to increase your damage-per-second if you're stuck in a fight you know you can't escape to try and pull off a quick kill before you die. (W) Silver Bolts is, like I said before, the skill that this guide attempts to take advantage of. In drawn-out fights Vayne becomes an absolute monster with the extra damage she can apply every three, consecutive, same-target auto attacks due to this skill. You get more Silver Bolts occurrences with the more attack speed you get, which is why this guide is so attack speed heavy. (E) Condemn can be either Vayne's savior or her condemnation, pun not intended. This works much like Poppy's Heroic Charge, in that it carries the opponent backwards, 900 units specifically, and stuns them if they collide with terrain. It takes a little practice to get used to the distance that Condemn knocks the opponent backwards, but once you have that dialed in you'll be a force to be reckoned with. Getting the stun on someone with Condemn leaves your opponent open to attacks for 1.5 seconds, which, if you're building attack speed as this guide suggests, should give you ample time to breeze through the opponent's health bar. (R) Final Hour is the last skill in Vayne's arsenal. This skill is Vayne's own personal steroid, making Vayne both a chasing MONSTER, as well as granting her temporary invisibility every time she uses Tumble while it is active. This makes it a bit easier for her to maneuver around the battlefield in team fights, get away from opponents that jump her, and pull off some impressive Condemns.
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Laning With Vayne

Your early game leveling should be slower than your opponents and they should be making it hard for
you to get some gold from minion kills. No worries, just stick it out. I see way too many Vaynes get antsy in lane and give up a free kill early on because they get frustrated with how their laning phase is going and plain neglect to secure minion kills, and instead try to apply damage to the opposing AD-carry or support in hopes to get them to back off a little. I'm telling you, don't fall into this mindset. Just deal with the hard, early laning phase that usually comes with Vayne and play safe, securing as much gold as possible, and you will be rewarded.
The only situations that I see early game aggression being justified on Vayne is when she is paired
with a Blitzcrank, Thresh, or Janna. Their pulls/knockups make for easy set-ups for a Condemn by Vayne. Janna can provide Vayne with some extra defense and movement speed in lane, which can be nearly invaluable assets, not to mention if you lane with a Janna your entire team gets the movement speed bonus. Taric and Nami are two other choices that do well with Vayne too, but I find that Blitzcrank, Thresh, and Janna end up working the best with Vayne in games where you don't personally know any of your teammates.
But more on Condemn. Positioning is key for this skill. While you're in lane try to stay in the center of
your lane preferably, it will keep you far enough from the river so that you have some reaction time to play with if you're getting ganked by a jungler or other lane, but also gives you an angular advantage on the opponent. Through most of your laning phase you will want your opponent positioned between you and your lane's wall.
If the enemy catches onto the plan, they will do either one of three things:
1. They will do nothing. They clearly haven't recognized what you're trying to attempt to do
and for that, you must punish them.
2. They will aggress on you. Their thinking will be they can drop your health a significant
enough amount to make you reconsider positioning yourself behind your minion wave so you can get back to your tower. If this is the case, do exactly that. They are clearly not going to give you any lenience on lane positioning. That being said, don't be afraid to take a tumble out into the lane, gain that angular advantage on the enemy, and Condemn them into a wall if you think you have the advantage on them and aren't afraid to force a fight.
3. They will dive in and out of the brush, attempting to maintain a steady flow of gold from
minion kills while keeping out of vision from your Condemn. The best thing to do in this situation is to pull your support up to the tip of your lane brush, get him/her ready for an initiation, and Condemn them into the wall once they come out of their brush or reveal themselves in the brush when they are trying to secure a minion kill. Follow that up with a well executed fight, tumbling for extra damage or mobility, and you should be rewarded with a kill or at the very least the enemy ADC should be forced to go back to base, letting you kill minions and shove the uncontested lane.
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Early Game

In regards to your early game you should be playing fairly passive in most situations if you are going
to follow my guide to a T. If you happen to be playing with a support with pulls or highly effective disables, like Blitzcrank, Thresh, or Alistar and the other team doesn't have such a support, then feel free to get aggressive and follow the strategy at the end of the "Laning With Vayne" section in order to secure kills. If both bottom lanes have a pulling/heavy cc support then I highly recommend just playing the passive farmer until level 3, where you will make your next choice.
Now level 3 is an especially pivotal moment for laning with Vayne that I don't see a lot of people
recognize or give enough credit to. At this point you will have been able to acquire one level in Tumble, Silver Bolts, and Condemn, which is what my guide recommends. The possible total combined damage that all three of these skills can release is pretty crazy for a level 3 AD-carry. Cash in on this opportunity if you are paired with an Alistar, Thresh, or Blitzcrank. See if the enemy ADC will let you chip away at their health and do so without trading more of your health away than the damage you are dealing to the other ADC. If this is the case poke them down a little ways so you have an advantage if a fight were to occur, then try and get your support to initiate a fight by disabling/pulling their ADC. If all goes well you should be able to get one proc of your Silver Bolts off just as the enemy ADC tries to get away after being immobilized. If you can Condemn the ADC into a wall after the pull/disable then you should have no trouble securing a kill unless the enemy jungle is sneaking around nearby.
If you find you're getting poked back in lane, call your jungler for help, stay calm, and continue
to last hit minions. I see many AD-carries get frustrated if their lane isn't going their way within the first six minutes of the game. Just deal with the added pressure and try and keep your creep score as high as possible if there just aren't any plays to be made in your lane.
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Mid Game

As I've stated multiple times, once you hit level six is when you should start to feel like you have
more of a presence in lane if you've been keeping your minion kills up, your deaths down, and haven't utterly handed your lane to the enemy AD-carry. Using your full kit of skills you should have no problem starting to secure kills in lane. Depending on what jungler your team has and what level he/she may be it is possible to pull off a dragon from level six to level nine. Odds are you will want a tanky jungler if you're going to attempt this so the jungler can take hits while you deal the main source of damage to it.
If all seems lost and you feel like the enemy AD-carry is snowballing out of control, my only
recommendation is to keep on keeping on. Kill minions, kill jungle monsters when you can, do everything in your power to get some gold flowing into you. As I've stated, Vayne naturally scales to one of the best end-game AD-carries. Use this to your advantage by getting her as much gold as possible by 35-40 minutes when you should be starting to take over.
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Late Game

Become the killing machine that you're meant to be. Use and abuse your Silver Bolts procs
, Tumble evasively or offensively when necessary, and use Condemn when you can. By end-game Condemn becomes less used in most games by this point due to the fact that most players become more aware of their positioning near end-game, where they can instantly be blown up if caught even a step or two out of position. Enemies will now be wary of your Condemn, but always capitalize on a Condemn stun when possible.
Split push if you need to! If you took [static shiv] this should be extremely easy for you, but
don't get caught split pushing. Putting a creep wave into a tower simply isn't worth a death. Be wary of your mini-map and get out as soon as possible if you see the enemy disappear into the fog of war, heading towards you, or if your team-mates warn you the enemy is coming. The only time you should be trading your own life for a tower is if you know your team can handle themselves and not give up a turret while you're respawning. So many times do I see Ad-carries head to the top lane, take out the second tower, and claim it was "worth" even though his team consequently loses a middle lane tower because they can't handle a 4v5 even under a tower. Know your team composition, what it can do, and how well it can turtle under a tower before you commit to trading your life for a tower.
Expect to do a lot of dodging and running around at this point in the match. Obviously AD-carries
tend to get focused over other champions by the end of the game, but this is exceptionally true for Vayne. Odds are if the enemy has the chance to kill you, they'll do anything in their power to do so. Vayne is the epitome of a walking target for other teams, but you just have to make sure that you're one hell of a mobile target. If you know the enemy team is going to heavily focus you in team fights, simply wait a second or two to enter team fights for most of the enemies to blow their skills on your more tanky team-mates.
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If you are unfamiliar with how Condemn works, when used Vayne shoots a larger bolt at the target,
carrying the target backwards a short ways. If the target is carried backwards into impassable terrain, then the target is temporarily stunned. So you have a reference, here are all of the possible places that a target can be carried into and result in a stun.
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