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Cho'Gath Build Guide by Speedosaurus

AD Offtank The ultimate Op-Cho-Guide

AD Offtank The ultimate Op-Cho-Guide

Updated on December 11, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Speedosaurus Build Guide By Speedosaurus 2,154 Views 0 Comments
2,154 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Speedosaurus Cho'Gath Build Guide By Speedosaurus Updated on December 11, 2012
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Cho'Gath
  • LoL Champion: Cho'Gath

1. Jungle route and ganking/Top early 2. mid-and lategame



Start at wolves and kill the bluebuff.
Continue with the ghosts and then do the redbuff.
After that do the golems and start ganking.
Hit the enemies with your Q and deal much dmg with your redbuff and Vorpal Strikes.
If you reach lvl 6 use your ultimate at minions. Its like a big smite and with 6 stacks you are very tanky.


Harass your enemy with your e.
The most champions are useless with lvl 1 and deal less dmg than you.
So you have the biggest chance to get first blood, but the jungler will be your greatest enemy.
You have to place wards.


Mid- and lategame are nearly the same as jungler and top player.
Autohits and your ult are your main dmg. Initiate with your q.
Slow the enemies with your Q and Randuins Omen.
Use Sword of Divine and Feast as a finisher. The crits will help, like the true DMG.
The negative aspect of Sword of Divine is the attackspeed reduction after using it.

Your aim is to hit the carry with Rupture and eat him :p
Good look.

Tooltips(+notes) explain how to place your masteries, runes and skills.
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Use the core items listed at the top of the guide.
Optional you can use Guardian Angel if you die too often.
With the core items you normally won't have problems. You have much armor, life and magice resistance.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Speedosaurus
Speedosaurus Cho'Gath Guide
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The ultimate Op-Cho-Guide

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