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Heimerdinger Build Guide by Stardestoryer

Top The Winner-Dinger Top Lane S6 guide

Top The Winner-Dinger Top Lane S6 guide

Updated on April 17, 2016
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Stardestoryer Build Guide By Stardestoryer 3,842 Views 0 Comments
3,842 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Stardestoryer Heimerdinger Build Guide By Stardestoryer Updated on April 17, 2016
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Introduction, and a little bit about myself.

Hi guys, its me Emanuel or better known by my IGN StarDestroyer and I would consider Heimerdinger one of my all time favorite champion, Heimerdinger was one of the first champions that i ever picked up aside from Ziggs.

I have successfully reached 100k mastery with Heimerdinger dinger and my favorite skin is his alien invader one, 1 also boast a Penta-kill and a couple quadra's with him and around 170 games, so that is pretty much my resume of Heimerdinger

I play exclusively normal games, because between school an everything else I don't want the pressure of ranked Heimerdinger too, please tell me how i did below and how you are liking this guide.

I would like to dedicate this guide to my friends from school who also play this game: M. Said and voidofshadows
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Pros / Cons

1- Excellent Lane bully
2- If utilized correctly, he can be very safe in lane from Jungle ganks with proper turret positioning, you will often get a kill even if you die.
3- You as Heimerdinger shine at Dragon and Baron fights because with correct turret placement he can easily take objectives
1- Cooldowns are long in the early stages of the game before you get Morellonomicon.
2- Heimer is not a real engager and relies baiting or even camping someone in a bush, fortunately, this always is the case.
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Morellonomicon is a fairly cheap item with an easy build path that offers a handful of useful stats early on that fit well with Heimerdinger. Due to its high ability power,cooldown reduction and moderate mana regeneration it is essential on hime very build, as well as it's passive.
Rylai's Crystal Scepter This item is my favorite on Heimerdinger, not only is the health great to make him slightly more tanks, but also the slow goes perfect with the turrets and his other abilities, this item makes it almost impossible to run away from a Heimerdinger
Guardian Angel is an amazing item mid hame, this is the stage where your turrets have amazing utility depending on the placement of your turrets, it really shines for the fact that when you get focused and your enemies are low health, once you come back to life, you can end them easily.
Rabadon's Deathcap is an item that provides pure damage, it should scale well with the rest of your abilities and gives him an insane amount of ability power, this may not be one of the first few items, but it is really worth it.
Liandry's Torment is an item that has excellent synergy when paired rylai's, the amazing passive and the all around ok stats are more than enough to make this a must buy
Zhonya's Hourglass by the time you get to zhonyas your at a really late point in the game, i like using this when I'm using (so they can't attack me while my turrets take the damage), or right after i get out of guardian angel so my team has enough time to back me up, but if used correctly this can get you out of otherwise impossible situations
Sterak's Gage
Quicksilver Sash D3buff nuff sed troll the hell out of Zed and Malzahar
Hextech Gunblade
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Kiting the Enemy

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turret placement

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Using your ultimate

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Team Fights??

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Getting into their heads

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