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Ability Order
Hextech Affinity (PASSIVE)
Heimerdinger Passive Ability
Introduction, and a little bit about myself.
Hi guys, its me Emanuel or better known by my IGN StarDestroyer and I would consider
Heimerdinger one of my all time favorite champion,
Heimerdinger was one of the first champions that i ever picked up aside from

I have successfully reached 100k mastery with
Heimerdinger dinger and my favorite skin is his alien invader one, 1 also boast a Penta-kill and a couple quadra's with him and around 170 games, so that is pretty much my resume of

I play exclusively normal games, because between school an everything else I don't want the pressure of ranked
Heimerdinger too, please tell me how i did below and how you are liking this guide.
I would like to dedicate this guide to my friends from school who also play this game: M. Said and voidofshadows

I would like to dedicate this guide to my friends from school who also play this game: M. Said and voidofshadows
Pros. 1- Excellent Lane bully 2- If utilized correctly, he can be very safe in lane from Jungle ganks with proper turret positioning, you will often get a kill even if you die. 3- You as ![]() |
Cons. 1- Cooldowns are long in the early stages of the game before you get Morellonomicon. 2- Heimer is not a real engager and relies baiting or even camping someone in a bush, fortunately, this always is the case. |

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