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Recommended Items
Runes: AD Sion Runes
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health
Ability Order AD Sion
Glory in Death (PASSIVE)
Sion Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Only mf you need.
Only mf you need.
Champion Build Guide
Sion Gameplay
For the early game, you want to trade like a mage-burst-assassin, your trade patterns are going to be quick trades into 1 or 2 auto attacks then disengage. A great way to enable this is through freezing waves under your tower. When you have nothing to do after shoving a wave or something like that, you want to be looking for cheeses using a fully charged Q from Bushes or Fog of War.
TheBaus favorite way of laning is to not lane at all. He prefers proxying, ideally, you want to be level 5 with Bami’s Cinder for Tank Sion or Serrated Dirk for AD Sion. TheBaus also dies strategically (people might refer to it as INTING) in the lane so he can break the enemy’s freeze by killing the minions with his passive. He typically does this when facing champions he can never beat 1v1 like Irelia.
In the mid game, you want to be side laning to gain solo exp and all the farm that you need. Never stop farming, always make sure to catch every single wave on side lanes. And again, you want to always be looking for picks using Fog of War, to fully charge your Q’s.
Late game, same thing, keep looking for picks using Fog of War. With Tank Sion, you are going to be looking to group with your team and front line for them. For AD Sion, you want to prioritize split pushing. Trying to make the team fights 5v4 due to your fast rotation with ult.
TheBaus favorite way of laning is to not lane at all. He prefers proxying, ideally, you want to be level 5 with Bami’s Cinder for Tank Sion or Serrated Dirk for AD Sion. TheBaus also dies strategically (people might refer to it as INTING) in the lane so he can break the enemy’s freeze by killing the minions with his passive. He typically does this when facing champions he can never beat 1v1 like Irelia.
In the mid game, you want to be side laning to gain solo exp and all the farm that you need. Never stop farming, always make sure to catch every single wave on side lanes. And again, you want to always be looking for picks using Fog of War, to fully charge your Q’s.
Late game, same thing, keep looking for picks using Fog of War. With Tank Sion, you are going to be looking to group with your team and front line for them. For AD Sion, you want to prioritize split pushing. Trying to make the team fights 5v4 due to your fast rotation with ult.
Sion Tips and Tricks
+ Glory in Death Sion’s passive: Probably one of the most fun things for AD Sion. The passive can be used to deal damage or clear waves when you die (or both). Learning how to AA move is really important to make the most out of it. Make sure only to use your boost ability when you are out of range of the enemy champion to maximize its effectiveness. However, watch out for enemy CC, as getting hit by one (for example, Irelia E or Thresh hook) can make you useless. |
+ Decimating Smash Sion’s Q: Charge it for as long as you can as there’s a big difference in damage even at .2 seconds. Whenever someone CCs you when you are charging your Q it goes on a 2-second CD, which you can use to your advantage and catch people off guard. To make the most out of his Q you have to play around the fog of war throughout the entire game. |
+ Soul Furnace Sion’s W: You want to make sure you get max value from it, meaning, you want to block as much damage as you can but also make sure to deal damage. |
+ Roar of the Slayer Sion’s E: You want to set up your abilities with the help of it. Before you Q, ult or die make sure to slow the enemies first. |
+ Unstoppable Onslaught Sion’s R: Make sure you press R again right before you are about to hit the enemies. You will have a larger hitbox/AOE damage. |
Final Thoughts

This Sion Build is highly inspired by Thebausffs Latest Sion Build.
Check out this Sion Guide on my website
where I go more in-depth for the build, runes and tips and tricks.
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