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Jhin Build Guide by Rhinoface

Top Thicc Jhin (Top Lane)

Top Thicc Jhin (Top Lane)

Updated on August 7, 2018
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Rhinoface Build Guide By Rhinoface 14 6 30,171 Views 0 Comments
14 6 30,171 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Rhinoface Jhin Build Guide By Rhinoface Updated on August 7, 2018
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Grasp of the Undying
Bone Plating

Gathering Storm


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


Threats & Synergies

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Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None


My summoner name is Rhinoface, and I'm a relatively new league player. I enjoy exploring terrible builds and finding any degree of success in them.

I stream on twitch under Lenovotorola, sometimes playing my off meta builds, and other times playing more conventional builds.

I main midlane, though top is my secondary role.

Some of my "crowned achievements" are AP Splitpush Rammus Mid, AP Skarner Mid, Bruiser Skarner Top, and Thicc Jhin Top
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Why would you play Thicc Jhin?

Top lane Jhin has the advantage over many top-laners early game by being ranged. In addition, no one expects Jhin to build tank, and will mercilessly focus/beat on your thornmail, while giving your team the opportunity to clean up.

With the selected runes, you do enough damage to kill most people throughout the entire game, while surviving. It's tilting to the enemy team to die to such an awful Jhin build.
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At the beginning of the game, you can afford to play rather aggressively. Poke your laner as often as you can to push them out as well as to gain extra health from grasp of the undying. While Jhin is relatively safe from ganks thanks to his root potential, never overextend without vision.

As the game goes on and you become tanky, combat will be as follows. If the champion is melee, you throw your lotus flowers on the ground where they're hitting you, while using your other abilities in succession. Q for extra damage, W for root, while auto attacking.

If your opponent is ranged, shoot them and root them if possible, spam Q and autos as they do decent damage and most ranged targets are squishy.

Don't be afraid to ult, especially on low health targets. It still does quite a lot of damage.
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Update Schedule

I'll work on updating this build and guide the more I play it and other matchups.
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Pros / Cons

Good early game
Frustrating to play against
Decent damage output
Fun to play

Less damage than typical Jhin
Team reliant, as most tanks
Period of weakness from ~Lvl 3 to completion of first item
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Rhinoface
Rhinoface Jhin Guide
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Thicc Jhin (Top Lane)

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