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Thresh Build Guide by Pubba13452

Thresh: An on hit nightmare

Thresh: An on hit nightmare

Updated on July 25, 2018
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Pubba13452 Build Guide By Pubba13452 25,809 Views 0 Comments
25,809 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Pubba13452 Thresh Build Guide By Pubba13452 Updated on July 25, 2018
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Press the Attack
Legend: Alacrity
Coup de Grace

Cheap Shot
Ravenous Hunter


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None


Hey everyone, I'm Pubba13452, I'm a bronze 3 piece of trash. I have been playing since the end of Season 6. I picked up Thresh about 1/4 through season 7, ever since then I fell in love with him, I am mastery 7 and just am engrossed in this champ, his lore is so great and his abilities are amazing, the skill cap is really high and outplay potential is really good, that's why he can be viable top and mid, with loads of CC and lots of damage, you can have a great lane against bruisers and mages alike.
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Pros / Cons

Pros - You have a strong lane phase against melee top laner's with low CC and can basically just poke until they either have to back or get killed, you are a very strong laner and have a load of advantages with your CC, your W shield that scales with your passive and your E which deals more damage the longer you don't attack and can scale very well into the late game with all the critical strike damage you have makes you quite strong. You are a great laner to gank because of your CC and your W, so call for gank's to get ahead.

Cons - You are EXTREMELY immobile, making you very susceptible to gank's which could be extremely aggravating, but if you are really good you can get away and even pick up a kill if you CC under turret. Laning against dashing characters is very hard, play very safe and call for gank's to 2v1 the laner, keep them behind as well as you can. Early game you are pretty weak, so just farm and get those souls.
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Team Work

You are still in a sense a support, so get the CC for your team and save W to save team mates from a sticky situation. Getting kills isn't always the best thing to do, sometimes give em to the JG or the ADC, just get your team ahead in the late game, you are basically a very strong peeler, so do your job and get them kills.
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All in all this is a very fun build and can do a lot of work in the mid to late game, you have a very great set of abilities and can work very well for a lot of team comps, as always stay safe and know your weaknesses, but most importantly have fun. I will be constantly updating this build to keep you up to date on who is difficult to lane against and what to do against matchup's, keep an eye on my guide for a lot more content coming up, thanks for reading all of this, I put a lotta effort into this build and hope you guys enjoy it.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Pubba13452
Pubba13452 Thresh Guide
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Thresh: An on hit nightmare

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