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Thresh Build Guide by Kasoui

AD Carry Thresh, Working ADC. Best ADC in Damage and High CC

AD Carry Thresh, Working ADC. Best ADC in Damage and High CC

Updated on January 26, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Kasoui Build Guide By Kasoui 7,271 Views 0 Comments
7,271 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Kasoui Thresh Build Guide By Kasoui Updated on January 26, 2013
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Thresh High Damage ADC on any Champion. High CC and easy to play.


~I update this page untill everything has set, I didnt had lots of time yet but i will finish it soon!~

Hi, My name is Kasoui i play on NA server and my favorite role is Mid or ADC as thats the best position i can play, but i am still good in any other lane though., if you want to ask anything you can just send a mail here on mobafire or add me on leauge NA :Kasoui: this is One of my first guides, please vote and comment your thoughts about it! need to know what to do better and whats good!

This guid we will speak about: Thresh
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Ability's and in game Power as ADC

Range is normal just like any other ADC.
High Damage on minions or Champions when Q is full stack. Each second he gains more damage which stacks up to 4 times. Color - Blue, Yellow, Green, Red
OP early game, late game hes get little weaker but still good ADC champ.
Great Mobility (if you follow this guide)
Has great escape for people who are struct in battle, Click the lantern and you can safe them.
Great CC that is not affected by Tenacity
An combo that can shut down your enemy during a teamfight.
Good champ for team fights, if your team has stuns he can grip, easy kills

Dies fast like any other ADC,
His Ult has a very small range, about the size of Jarvan IV's Ultimate.
People that doesn't know how to click lantern then blame you..
Abilitys are great, but kinda bad if you use it wrong in time. Don't just think you can Q him and instant teleport to him, your instant dead without ult or safe escape.

Thresh is a Champion that you not only have to learn how to play with, but also your teammates. If there is no teamwork, Thresh becomes useless as he cannot deal the damage he must do to help out his team as an ADC. His basic damage is very high and you can hit up to 40% with one normal attack which reduce after each attack. With right stuns teamwork you can make some easy penta's.
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How to play Pro in Bottom lane with good support, And ability's explain

This depends on what your team support wants to play. I always said to my mate take stun support like: Taric, Lux, Morgana, Leona Etc This just give you the most benefit dealin most of the damage. If the target is stunned you can use your Q and press Q again to teleport on the target. Now you can knock him back wards with E and send up ult to finish him off. These are pretty easy kills, but many other setups can work out well. It's how you play.

Thresh has good Passive, This Passive gives you the require AP and extra armor which are love in late game.
For full game aka. 45min you can gain up to 100-150 souls which give you around 100 AP and 100 extra armor, More AP you don't need, The most damage comes from AD and people will laugh you when you go ADC but it works fine! you gain this by collecting souls, these drops from minions, monsters and champions. The ratio of gaining AP and armor is reduced every soul collecting. Lowest it goes is 0.5 AP/ARMOR and that will be around 120.

Your Q ability is the best to max out first. The reason behind is every second you don't attack you can buff. This buff stacks up to 4 times, This increase damage. I did at level 3 on their adc 50% with one hit. He was crying and ask me how, i told him its my Q passive although on the next attack you will have your first stack up but you will do little less damage then normal, you can easy 4 hit ADC with Q pull and proper work E you can have first blood within first 3 levels.

Your W ability is ability you wanna max out last but you atleast want one level for it. This ability give the right to give your team, who stands right next to lantern where you toss it a shield. Not only it gives you a shield it aswell gives you the rights to save person who is stuck in a battle and about to die, You can trow it over walls and still safe that person, great ability. It aswell sucks nearby souls that comes from minions, monsters, champions.

Your E ability is very strong in the way you wanna use it. You slow down enemy and aswell you choice direction you wanna push him, Backwards front, side left right etc. This E is second ability you should max out and you can use this in combination to push him in your ult or hold him longer at you so your team can finish him off. No escape for him! (:

Your R is your ult, This ult is Strong even though you aint stack AP. You slow down your team who ever hits the wall. great for team fights and if you use correct you can kill the entire enemy team without doub. Things that might be bad about this ult.. Range is Small.. gehehe..

So How you kill your Bottom lane? Simple. You first trow some pokes on the enemy, as usual. When he makes a mistake and your support stuns him take your chance to take this. Use Q to grip him. If hes far away from turret pull your self to him, then use E. If your getting low on health use lantern for extra shield input and if you have ult use it aswell. No escape and easy kills on bottom as ADC, i mostly make up to 4 kills under 10mins, destroy turret.
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