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Udyr Build Guide by Pelikins

Tiger Stance Udyr too good.

Tiger Stance Udyr too good.

Updated on February 12, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Pelikins Build Guide By Pelikins 13,413 Views 1 Comments
13,413 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Pelikins Udyr Build Guide By Pelikins Updated on February 12, 2013
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Why Tiger over pheonix?

Tiger Udyr plays a lot like release Rengar on ganks. He has a 1.5 AD ratio on his spammable Q which absolutely melts people early game. Unlike pheonix Udyr, tiger Udyr can fully utilize turtle and bear stances, and tiger Udyr scales much better into the late game than pheonix.

Tiger udyr is also much much better at objectives. He can melt dragon solo at level 5 with just a dorans and a madred's.

The jungle now favors Tiger Udyr. The camps have one high hp monster and several low hp one. Tiger Udyr is amazing at stealing camps and has a strong clear speed.
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Abilities: 3 points in bear early!

I've got a couple of big tips for Udyr player in abilities.

First off, 3 points in bear stance early on is crucial. Yes its higher priority than leveling turtle.

Level 3 bear stance is twice as effective as level 1 bear stance.

The big difference is the duration of the move speed. level 1 bear will give you only 2 seconds of bonus MS while level 3 gets you 3. The CD of bear stance is 6 seconds. So level 1 means going 15% faster 1/3rd of the time. While level 3 means going 21% faster half the time. This is a very significant mobility difference that WILL get you kills and WILL save your life. It is way more important than getting level 3 turtle stance early.
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Stance Dancing:

This is very important to Tiger udyr. Know when to use which form.

Tiger Priming: This is Tiger Udyr's main tool to dealing massive burst damage. Tiger stance grants you a buff with the same name that is consumed on your first auto attack which deals massive magic damage. The CD on the ability begins to reset as soon as you activate the ability, but this buff remains on your character for 5 seconds after activation.

What you can then do is hit tiger stance before getting to your target, then swap to bear stance hit him for the stun and dot, then swap back to tiger for a second dot.

This will melt an enemy with incredible speed.

Preparation is huge for being effective on Udyr. You need to take advantage of the passive buffs that each ability gives in addition to what they do in melee.

This is how you gank:

E (bear) to get near lane, if they have wards you want to run through them with as little warning a possible so use bear to run faster even before getting to the target. Then tiger prime with Q. Again, you do this before reaching the target. Then E again for another burst of speed to reach the target. (YOU HIT THE TARGET RIGHT NOW!)

Now back to Q for a second dot. Now you use the rotation Q,W,E,Q,W,E repeatedly. Q grants you AS and dots, W grants shielding and life steal/spell vamp, E grants you MS and stuns.

Now you will reach E for another stun before 6 seconds are up, especially if you have any CDR (blue buff) and you'll have to wait an extra auto attack or two for another stun. This is fine early game. Once you reach max level though, I'll show you a new rotation.

Now to pull off the max level rotation, you'll need some CDR. So I'd recommend building some late game. The SV, IBG, FH, and Reverie are all good CDR items to get on Udyr, which to choose depends on the opponents and your team comp.

Her is your max level rotation.

Remember to tiger prime still. That's the same

Q,E (reach target),Q,W,R,Q,W,E,Q,W,R,Q,W,E

So basically you alternate between E and R with QW in between. This will do a ton of damage, especially in team fights where your R's splash will hit a bunch of people.

That's a general order for exchanging blows. If you have a clear advantage, forget turtle all together and go for mobility and damage:

Q, E (reach target),Q,R,E,Q,R,E,Q,R,E

Sometimes its best to sandbag the E, remember that if you are fighting a Kat, Nunu, or Galio. Your E will cancel their ult. So it may be best to not use E until they ult (with Galio you predict the ult). In this case you'll want to go to turtle or pheonix after priming tiger.

Q,W,R,Q,W,R (enemy ults) E!

I then will keep tiger max level when available and will hop between bear and turtle once tiger is maxed.

It is important to have both turtle and bear leveled up. On will make your shield difficult to chew through giving sustaining power. The other will keep you in melee range for stuns, damage, and to life steal to give even more sustaining power.

Your last 3 points go into phoenix.
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I run flat AD marks and quints. These are the best for Udyr because his AD ratio'd tiger stance active deals magic damage. This makes armor pen less attractive on Udyr. AD runes are the strongest and remain strong throughout the game.

I run armor seals (standard jungling seals)

I run mr/level glyphs (these make Udyr more tanky)
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Itemization: The meat and potatoes of Udyr!

Doran's Blade this is the huge advantage that Udyr has over all other junglers. You start a doran's blade and they start a machete. guess who wins if you bump into each other in the jungle. Udyr is a really strong invader level 1. I'd highly recommend invading them at the start of the game. prime tiger stance before checking the brush and follow right behind your CCer. 2 tiger stances will take over 60% of a players life level 1 leaving only 40% hp for your auto attacks and team mates. Invade and rip things up! That's the beauty of a doran's blade start.

Mobility Boots Udyr requires these to roam the map quickly. The base MS they give is amplified by the %MS bonus bear stance gives. It allows you to close on targets really fast and allows Udyr to position for counter ganks and counter jungling.

Wiggle's Lantern this is Udyr's main tool for objecting. Works well with the massive amount of AS Udyr gets and it provides some lifesteal and some AD. It's also a solid armor item.

Sightstone and Ruby Sightstone
Vision is power! Use this item to ward up their jungle. That will allow you to counter jungle really well, steam buffs, blow up low hp junglers, counter gank, its amazing. Get one and you'll see how OP the item really is. It also gets you 100 hp, which is solid.

I typically will next bulk up my MR (only if they have a real AP carry...not an AD assassin mid with a AP bruiser top, if this is the case, buying armor or hp is best). This will keep you from getting exploded when you gank mid and in the early team fights. A Negatron Cloak will build into Quicksilver Sash which is what you'll used to counter CC.

Now the build adjusts based on what I need and how much gold I have. Never leave shop with more than 400g. You've got Distortion upgrade on boots, Ruby Crystal/ Ruby Sightstone upgrade for sight stone, a long sword/vamp scept for wriggle's and you'll need a B.F. Sword for Mercurial Scimitar. What you buy should be dictated by what you need and how much gold you have. If you've got enough for a B.F. Sword and your team isn't way behind, its a good idea to get it since it's a costly item that is tricky to fit into your build. If you're ahead, it will allow you to stay ahead too.
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Keep an eye on your gold early on.

When you have enough for a wriggles go get it. If your support has a pink ward, have him place it at dragon. Otherwise, buy one yourself.

If you have the top nexus, it is best to steal dragon right when your blue buff respawns. Their jungler is most likely at their blue giving it to their AP carry middle. This allows you to snatch the dragon uncontested!

If you have the bottom nexus, hang around dragon until their jungler shows up somewhere else on the map. Then go for it.
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