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I'd imagine this lane would be a passive lane. Since he is a rare pick top I won't have too much to say. Just dodge knockup combo and you should win every engage.
Annoying lane, but winnable. Avoid his knockup and his silence. Don't full engage on him or you'll likely be outdamaged. His sustain is pretty high too.
A good Darius player will know how to zone you off really well, denying you farm and Q. Play this lane near tower and ask for an early gank. Don't underestimate your level 3 burst and disengage.
Dr. Mundo
Boring lane. His high sustain can often outcompete your sustain at level 6. Just farm neither of you can kill eachother. You use the farm better late game.
A little annoying due to his poke and reliable disengage/burst potential. Other than that just make sure he doesn't stick on you and don't use W in a panic.
Rarely see this matchup unless it's a mid-lane pick, but I will still go over it. His drain can go through your pool, just make sure you're not on top of him low HP. He is squishly early so just try and harass away from minion wave.
Don't walk in his barrels. This lane should be really easy for the early game for you. Given you poke behind your wave.
He's awkward early game, just AA his passive whenever he is in range and deny him farm. You can win every engage if you avoid the silence.
His passive makes him a pain to kill. Watch his bar and don't walk into him if he's baiting you. You won't win most engages, play smart with occasional poke.
Have yet to see this matchup. I would imagine his barrel's will be a pain in the early game as well as his strong E engage. Farm this lane and exit to tower if he tries to engage.
Skill based matchup. If you're smart you will save pool for his ultimate and won't let her grab you every time you walk into lane. Farm and harass.
Easy engage and stun combo from Irelia, highlighted by the range you need to Q her she will almost always stun combo you. Farm and don't harass or engage.
Very similar to Irelia, although he doesn't need to have higher health to stun you. Pool his engages, you will lose less health.
Played this lane a few times, if he is good he will completely deny you any farm and will often kill you near tower with his high numbers. Ask for ganks and kill him early, his escape isn't the best.
Early game should be a breeze. Easy poke and disengage, buy boots and don't fall victim to her slow. Level 6 avoid an all in, because she has ult.
Sticking behind your wave and missing his shrunken will destroy most kill potential he has on you. Pool his ultimate and you should be able to burst him down with your combo.
Every game I have seen he doesn't have any kill potential unless you're pushed right into his tower. Remember he has a tiny window of invulnerability.
Everyone seems to underestimate his kill potential. Level 6 is a big power spike for Malphite and if he has a gank waiting you're not living. Poke him early game and keep him below 1/2 health.
I'd imagine you'd outdamage and outsustain him really hard early game. You should be aiming to win this lane without any problems unless you're getting babysat by enemy jungle.
Early game you will have lane command, mid game he will have lane command. Don't engage him after level 9 or he will destroy you. Strong slow and strong Q will leave you dead. Don't pool when he slows you.
Annoying lane, but you shouldn't die. He can dive towers pretty well thanks to his passive and E. Save your pool for him tower dives, but remember he can ult out of your slows.
He is really good at keeping you on low HP. Given the low range of your Q he will often damage you more than you're healing. His combo execution will work to drain you of a lot of health before you can react. Don't pick trades.
Poppy should be an extremely easy lane for you. Her numbers can't keep up with yours and she will be forced to build against you directly in order to survive. Don't push her tower too hard or she will stun you under it.
Rarely see Renekton being played, but he is a tough matchup. He can close the gap very well and his combo will make his win trades by a very good amount. Farm under tower and ask for ganks.
Riven players vary a lot in terms of skill they possess. Most of the time they will win the engages they pick on you, and with a strong shield they can dive you. Don't fall into her combo or you will be 100-0 pretty fast.
Skill Matchup. Should be a passive lane for the most part. His ult in a huge pain to deal with on your disengage. Make sure you're not walking around on low health because he will ult you.
His targetted snare is awkward, and he will begin to outdamage you considerably, but for the early game try and poke him to the point where he can't afford a good engage. Stick behind minions away from his Q.
Boring lane. You should be able to damage him pretty well and deny most of his farm, watch out for his level 6 presence though and make sure you alert your team.
Don't follow him. You can harass him easily and he will often build against you. Farm your lane and don't push too much or he could throw you into his tower.
I've not seen this being played as much as it used to be, but he will begin hurting after his first or second item. Make sure you're not walking into his Q. Ask for an early gank.
You might see others rate this as a hard matchup. It's awkward, but his Q isn't as strong as everyone says. It's fairly easy to avoid and his E shouldn't kill you alone. He can survive longer, but he is mana dependent. Deny him farm and he will quickly expend all his mana. He still has high kill potential, but if you can avoid his Q you should be able to burst him.
Terrain generation is a pain, and coupled with the slow he can easily walk onto you to get a good chunk of your health. Play smart and don't try and engage him blatantly. You should outdamage him before he gets close.
Terrible matchup for Vlad. A strong engage/disengage, huge DPS and tower dive potential and a high crit chance makes him one of the hardest counters to Vladimir. He can cheese you at level 2 and you'll be under tower. Don't push this lane and ask for a gank straight away to 0/1 him, don't 2/0 him.
Using my guide you stomp him.
His passive is really annoying. If he plays it right he will always be healing when you try a full engage. He can close your gap pretty fast and get you down for a lot of health. He will build against you destroying all kill potential.
Awkward lane phase. If you show harass him too much he will rush a hexdrinker. Play this lane passive and try and surprise him if he builds full damage. Ask for a gank just before level 6.
Xin Zhao
His engage consists of slow, amplified damage and a knockup. Compound this with his heal every 3rd attack and you will be losing all engages you have. Play under tower, his diving isn't too strong.
If you're avoiding his Q's you can easily down him of all his health. If you let him get ahead he will stomp you every chance he gets. Beside that you can win with a bit of skillshot dodging.
He's rarely played these days (just like before) and I can't speak too well on this matchup. I would stay back a little though as his damage can be surprising and mildly overwhelming.
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