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Annie Build Guide by CisoSecond

Other Top Lane Tibbers (I mean Annie)

Other Top Lane Tibbers (I mean Annie)

Updated on January 15, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author CisoSecond Build Guide By CisoSecond 1,314 Views 0 Comments
1,314 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author CisoSecond Annie Build Guide By CisoSecond Updated on January 15, 2014
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A note.

This build is purely hypothetical. I write this before I have even tried it, so don't expect this to work. I do encourage whoever reads this to give it a shot and see what happens.
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Why this was made.

I saw a post on Reddit today (January 15th) that mentioned Annie in top lane with the new Tibbers cooldown (48 Seconds with max CDR) and I thought it sounded interesting. I put this together quickly in hopes that it might be semi-successful.
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Summoner Spells

Always Flash, but you can replace Teleport with ignite if you worried about trading (or Mundo).
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Things to keep in mind.

Cooldown Reduction is an absolute must, and all builds must include it at or near 40%. Being tanky (to some degree) is also rather needed, so you can safely get in to summon Tibbers and build up your stun. Tibbers goes on cooldown when you cast him, so you can have him up almost all the time at level 16, assuming he doesn't die before hand. Please give it a try and leave your experience down below. Thanks for reading, and happy summoning.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author CisoSecond
CisoSecond Annie Guide
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Top Lane Tibbers (I mean Annie)

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