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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Stone Skin (PASSIVE)
Wukong Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
its the hardest lane possible. In this lane in particular it would be better not to use ignite since there is no chance you will outrade him and kill him since a good pantheon can time his W and passive to neglect all of wukongs damage passive lane and try to farm since level 6, if u managed to survive untill then there is a good chance that you will be stronger at that point
The main idea
high dps
good split push
can win unfavorable matchups
easy to snowball with
good teamfighting
he can turn a hole teamfight with
a good engage and an adc oneshot
has mobility and an ok escape
Cons :
risky to pick since its easy to get behind
and even riskier with this build cause its core has 2 expensive ad item
wukong has many bad match ups
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